Between 1868 and 1908, French activity in Iraq was increasingly shaped by questions of water management in the southern reaches of the Tigris-Euphrates valley and prevailing ideas about the region’s ostensibly limitless potential for commercial agriculture. Specifically, French entrepreneurs and officials advocated for the introduction of steamships on the Tigris and Euphrates and the mobilization of French technocratic expertise in hydraulic engineering to modernize these rivers. In doing so, they hoped to increase France’s influence in Iraq (and the west Indian Ocean more broadly) by competing with British steamships and by responding to Ottoman priorities focused on developing agriculture in Iraq. Thus, the story of French environmental engineering on the Tigris-Euphrates demonstrates that France employed hydroimperialist practices not just at home and in its colonies but also in the unlikely noncolonial setting of Iraq to expand its influence abroad, albeit through informal methods.
Peterson, Maya Karin;
Technologies of Rule: Empire, Water, and the Modernization of Central Asia, 1867--1941
James Beattie;
Ruth Morgan;
Engineering Edens on This 'Rivered Earth'? A Review Article on Water Management and Hydro-Resilience in the British Empire, 1860-1940s
Faisal H. Husain;
Rivers of the Sultan: The Tigris and Euphrates in the Ottoman Empire
Jennifer L. Derr;
The Lived Nile: Environment, Disease, and Material Colonial Economy in Egypt
Todd, Edmund N.;
Landscaping the Ruhr as a vacation wonderland: Building the twentieth century out of the seventeenth
Alan Mikhail;
Under Osman's Tree: The Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Environmental History
Pritchard, Sara B.;
From Hydroimperialism to Hydrocapitalism: “French” Hydraulics in France, North Africa, and Beyond
Jiří Janáč;
From Nature to National Networks: Hydraulic Bureaucracy and the Modernization of Waters in Czechia, 1890s–1960s
Forsberg, Carl;
Iraq, the United States, and the long shadow of the Cold War
Karvonen, Andrew;
Metronatural: Inventing and reworking urban nature in Seattle
Dale Stahl;
The Two Rivers: Water, Development and Politics in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin, 1920-1975
Wishart, David J;
The Last Days of the Rainbelt
Fonseca, Alberto;
Prado Filho, José Francisco do;
Um esquecido marco do saneamento no Brasil: o sistema de águas e esgotos de Ouro Preto (1887--1890)
Tim Stroshane;
Drought, Water Law, and the Origins of California's Central Valley Project
Matthew V. Bender;
Water brings no harm : management knowledge and the struggle for the waters of Kilimanjaro
Hansen, Jan;
Das Steuern und Regeln von Infrastrukturen und der Wasseralltag in Los Angeles (1870–1920) [Control and Regulation of Infrastructures and Everyday Water Life in Los Angeles (1870-1920)]
Matthew Gandy;
The fabric of space: Water, modernity, and the urban imagination
Matthew V. Bender;
Water Brings No Harm: Management Knowledge and the Struggle for the Waters of Kilimanjaro
Moulin, Anne Marie;
Ulman, Yesim Isil;
Perilous Modernity: History of Medicine in the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East from the 19th Century Onwards
James Uden;
Worlds of Knowledge in Women’s Travel Writing
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