Siderer, Yona (Author)
This research studies two translations of Henry Enfield Roscoe's chemistry book of 1872 into Japanese (1873) and Hebrew (1929). Roscoe's original chapter on candle burning is presented, in which he manifested his attitude to chemical experiments. The Japanese and Hebrew historical backgrounds of the translations, as well as their cultural and linguistic aspects are discussed. Roscoe's relations with Japanese scholars are presented. The study moves between events in three countries, England, Japan and Israel. The importance and complexity of translation of science and its later results are discussed.
Glasner, Ruth;
On Gersonides' Knowledge of Languages
Hiyoshi, Yoshiro;
Nakatsuji, Shin-ichi;
Japanese Translation of William Cole's Paper on Tyrian Purple in the Philosophical Transactions (1685)
Alan J. Rocke;
Englishing Kopp
Kikuchi, Yoshiyuki;
Samurai Chemists, Charles Graham and Alexander William Williamson at University College London, 1863--1872
Sasaki, Chikara;
How Was the Terminology of Modern Western Mathematics Translated into Japanese?
Métailié, Georges;
Traduire Dodoens ou les premiers pas de la botanique européenne en japonais
Juste, D.;
Non-Transferable Knowledge: Arabic and Hebrew Onomancy into Latin
Gerrit Bos;
Novel Medical and General Hebrew Terminology from the Middle Ages: Volume 5
Junghans, Miriam;
Traduzindo Fleck: entrevista com Georg Otte e Mariana Camilo de Oliveira
Floris Solleveld;
Language as a Specimen
Alexandra Sfoini;
Traduire les sciences au cours des Lumières néohélleniques : questions de langue et de terminologie (1750-1832)
Richard Leblanc;
The perversion of language: Jules Baillarger on aphasia, the lateralization of speech, and the Baillarger-Jackson principle
Horiuchi, Annick;
Langues mathématiques de Meiji: à la recherche du consensus?
Kurtz, Joachim;
New Terms for Telling the Truth: Notes on the Formation of Modern Chinese Logical Terminology, 1886-1911
Tian, Xiaoli;
Relocating Science: Medical Missions and Western Medicine in Nineteenth-Century China
Josefina Rodríguez-Arribas;
A Treatise on the Construction of Astrolabes by Jacob ben Abi Abraham Isaac al-Corsuno (Barcelona, 1378): Edition, Translation and Commentary
Zonta, Mauro;
About Todros Todrosi's Medieval Hebrew Translation of al-Fārābī's Lost Long Commentary/Gloss-Commentary on Aristotle's Topics, Book VIII
Charles H. Manekin;
Hans Hinrich Biesterfeldt;
Moritz Steinschneider. The Hebrew Translations of the Middle Ages and the Jews as Transmitters
Ofer Elior;
Niccolò Tartaglia’s 1543 Edition of Euclid’s Elements and the Sources of an Early Modern Hebrew Version of the Elements
Ofer Elior;
Euclid's Elements in Hebrew Garb: Critical Editions of the Translation by Moses Ibn Tibbon and the Translation Ascribed to Rabbi Jacob, with an Introduction and Glossary. Books I–II
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