This volume is devoted to the natural philosopher Bernardino Telesio (1509-1588) and his place in the scientific debates of the Renaissance. Telesio’s thought is emblematic of Renaissance culture in its aspiration towards universality; the volume deals with the roots and reception of his vistas from an interdisciplinary perspective ranging from the history of philosophy to that of physics, astronomy, meteorology, medicine, and psychology. The editor, Pietro Daniel Omodeo and leading specialists of intellectual history introduce Telesio’s conceptions to English-speaking historians of science through a series of studies, which aim to foster our understanding of a crucial early modern author, his world, achievement, networks, and influence.
...MoreReview Doina-Cristina Rusu (2020) Review of "Bernardino Telesio and the Natural Sciences in the Renaissance". Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology (pp. 592-594).
Jean-Paul De Lucca;
The Art of History Writing as the Foundation of the Sciences
Simone Bresci;
Entia appetunt consimilia sibi: senso, conservazione e somiglianza da Telesio a Campanella
Leen Spruit;
«Nonnulla ex Telesio»: on the Reception of Telesio in the Seventeenth-Century
Giuliano Gasparri;
La fisica di Pierre Gassendi e il naturalismo tardorinascimentale italiano
Guido Giglioni;
The Pain and Pleasure of Being Oneself : Telesio Interprets Hippocrates
Roberto Bondì;
Le edizioni del De iride di Telesio
Telesio, Bernardino;
Sobre los cometas y la Vía Láctea/De cometis at lacteo circulo
Bernardino Telesio e la cultura napoletana: [Atti del Convegno “Bernardino Telesio e la Cultura Napoletana”, 15 - 17 dicembre 1989]
Roberto Bondí;
Dangerous Ideas: Telesio, Campanella and Galileo
Essay Review
Cei, Angelo;
Elusive Particulars: Biographical Narratives about Some Realists in Science and Philosophy
Ole Peter Grell;
The World of Worm: Physician, Professor, Antiquarian, and Collector, 1588-1654
Henry, John;
Why Thomas Harriot Was Not the English Galileo
María M. Portuondo;
The Spanish Disquiet: The Biblical Natural Philosophy of Benito Arias Montano
Klein, Stefan;
Leonardo's Legacy: How Da Vinci Reimagined the World
Barone, Robert W.;
A Reputation History of John Dee, 1527--1609: The Life of an Elizabethan Intellectual
Anna M. Serralunga Bardazza;
Clelia Grillo Borromeo Arese: Vicende private e pubbliche virtù di una celebre nobildonna nell'Italia del Settecento
Pietro Rocchi;
Antonio Vallisneri. Dalla Garfagnana alla Scienza
Gennaro Cassiani;
Tommaso Bozio. I saperi scientifici e i libri “lincei” (1548-1610)
Giacomo Leopardi;
Gaspare Polizzi;
Valentina Sordoni;
Compendio di storia naturale. Con l’aggiunta del Saggio di chimica e storia naturale del 1812
Guerrini, Luigi;
Antonio Cocchi, naturalista e filosofo
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