Walter, Hannes (Author)
An empirical investigation refutes the popular conception that excessive drug usage was a widespread social phenomenon in the Weimar Republic. Although physicians warned the public and politicians of a “cocaine wave” that threatened the public health, there is no evidence that indicates a significant increase of cocaine use during the twenties. The decisive cause for this moral panic was caused instead by the disease pattern of “Cocainism”. The addiction carried the imprint of an infectious disease and would destroy the body, the will, and the civic life of its victims. According to medical doctrine, chronic cocaine consumption also produced the tendency towards deviant sexual activities and criminal activity. For this reason, the use of this substance was in particular linked to deviant social milieus like the so-called Bohemian or demimonde. However, historical sources in fact show that it was primarily a problem of the medical professions. Against the background of the desperate political, social and economic situation in Germany after the First World War, physicians regarded cocaine and morphine addictions as a threat to the hoped for political and biological renewal of the nation.
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Monika Ankele;
The Patient's View of Work Therapy: The Mental Hospital Hamburg-Langenhorn During the Weimar Republic
Crouthamel, Jason;
Male Sexuality and Psychological Trauma: Soldiers and Sexual Disorder in World War I and Weimar Germany
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„Schlagt das Hitlerei zu Brei.“
Meer, Theo van der;
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Oosterhuis, Harry;
Sexual Modernity in the Works of Richard von Krafft-Ebing and Albert Moll
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A fool's paradise: The psychiatry of Gemueth in a Biedermeier asylum
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George Stephen Penny (1885–1964): his life and medical encounters before, during and after admission to Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum
Andrews, Jonathan;
From Stack-Firing to Pyromania: Medico-Legal Concepts of Insane Arson in British, US and European Contexts, c. 1800--1913. Part 1
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Assessing the conduct of juveniles: Diagnosis and delinquency, 1900–2013
Birgit Lang;
Joy Damousi;
Alison Lewis;
A History of the Case Study: Sexology, Psychoanalysis, Literature
Michael Bermejo-Wenzel;
Andrea H. Schneider-Braunberger;
Geraubte Diamanten, Schmuck und Edelmetalle: Die Beteiligung deutscher Juweliere und Goldschmiede an Handel und Verwertung in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. (Looted Diamonds, Jewelry and Precious Metals: The Involvement of German Jewelers and Goldsmiths in Trade and Exploitation during the National Socialist Era)
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Gianluca Nesi;
Imparare a uccidere. Il programma T4 e il genocidio
Werner Plumpe;
Januskopf der deutschen Geldwirtschaft: Karl Helfferich (1872 bis 1924) (Janus face of the German monetary economy: Karl Helfferich (1872 to 1924))
Martin Wieser;
Buried Layers: On the Origins, Rise, and Fall of Stratification Theories
Maria M. Remenyi;
Heinrich Wieleitner (1874–1931) and The Birth of Modern Mathematics—Science Communication and the Historiography of Mathematics in the Weimar Culture
íguez-Ocaña, Esteban Rodr;
The Politics of the Healthy Life: An International Perspective
Stokes, P. R.;
Pathology, danger, and power: Women's and physicians' views of pregnancy and childbirth in Weimar Germany
Michael Hau;
Constitutional Therapy and Clinical Racial Hygiene in Weimar and Nazi Germany
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