Pamela K. Stone (Author)
Lise Shapiro Sanders (Author)
This volume offers an overview of what it was like to be female and to live and die in Victorian England (c. 1837-1901), by situating this experience within the scientific and social contexts of the times. With a temporal focus on women’s life experience, the book moves from childhood and youth, through puberty and adolescence, to pregnancy, birth, and motherhood, into senescence. Drawing on osteological sources, medical discourses, and examples from the literature and cultural history of the period, alongside social and environmental data derived from ethnographic and archival investigations, the authors explore the experience of being female in the Victorian era for women across classes. In synthesizing current research on demographic statistics, maternal morbidity and mortality, and bioarchaeological evidence on patterns of aging and death, they analyze how changing social ideals, cultural and environmental variability, shifting economies, and evolving medical and scientific understanding about the body combined to shape female health and identity in the nineteenth century. Victorian women faced a variety of challenges, including changing attitudes regarding appropriate behavior, social roles, and beauty standards, while grappling with new understandings of the role played by gender and sexuality in shaping women’s lives from youth to old age. The book concludes by considering the relevance of how Victorian narratives of womanhood and the experience of being female have influenced perceptions of female health and cultural constructions of identity today.
Michael Pfeiffer;
Whose Gender? Whose Identity? Trans Medicine, Psychiatry, and the Symbolic Order
Cryle, Peter;
“A Terrible Ordeal from Every Point of View”: (Not) Managing Female Sexuality on the Wedding Night
Pauline Mortas;
Alain Giami;
Sharman Levinson;
Popular Medical Books and Defloration: Shaping Femininity and Masculinity in the Nineteenth Century
Segrest, Mab;
Exalted on the Ward: “Mary Roberts,” the Georgia State Sanitarium, and the Psychiatric “Speciality” of Race
Eder, Sandra;
The Birth of Gender: Clinical Encounters with Hermaphroditic Children at Johns Hopkins (1940--1956)
Diederik F Janssen;
Melancholia Scytharum: the early modern psychiatry of transgender identification
Fitzherbert, Dionys;
Hodgkin, Katharine;
Women, Madness and Sin in Early Modern England: The Autobiographical Writings of Dionys Fitzherbert
Stahnisch, Frank;
Steger, Florian;
Medizin, Geschichte und Geschlecht: Körperhistorische Rekonstruktionen von Identitäten und Differenzen
Klöppel, Ulrike;
XX0XY ungelöst: Hermaphroditismus, Sex und Gender in der deutschen Medizin; eine historische Studie zur Intersexualität
Reis, Elizabeth;
Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex
Annalisa Cegna;
Femminilità pericolose. Le internate nel regime fascista
Liliosa Azara;
Luca Tedesco;
La donna delinquente e la prostituta: L’eredità di Lombroso nella cultura e nella società italiane
Amy Koerber;
From Hysteria to Hormones: A Rhetorical History
Bernal Borrego, Encarnación;
Calero Delgado, María Luisa;
El Discurso Higiénico como Argumento Moralizante de la Mujer: “La Higiene del Bello Sexo” de Ramón Hernández Poggio (1847)
Rasussen, Ann Marie;
Moving beyond Sexuality in Medieval Sexual Badges
Cryle, Peter;
Downing, Lisa;
Feminine Sexual Pathologies
Paulo Drinot;
The Sexual Question: A History of Prostitution in Peru, 1850s–1950s
Santos, Fabiane Vinente dos;
Sexualidade e civilização nos trópicos: gênero, medicina e moral na imprensa de Manaus (1895--1915)
Newcombe, Suzanne;
Stretching for Health and Well-Being: Yoga and Women in Britain, 1960--1980
Forth, Christopher E.;
Crozier, Ivan;
Body Parts: Critical Explorations in Corporeality
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