Article ID: CBB581742992

Climate, Environment, and Medicine in Georgian England and the Antipodes (2020)


This paper examines the place of environment, climate, and the aerospace within the eighteenth-century understanding of the causation of disease. The centrality of atmospheric air in the eighteenth-century's theory of contagion was relocated en bloc from Hippocratic-Galenic postulates to become foremost in the six non-naturals for the preservation of health, with Nature considered preeminent above the cure-care art of medicine, the vis medicatrix naturae. Studies of meteorological phenomena attempted to corroborate the catenation of environmental-miasmatic causations and human disease, the nexus between meteorological data and epidemiology. European settlers in tropical climates first required seasoning, usually with a fever, to reliably adjust to the climate. Medical monitoring of isolated white cohorts in the Antipodean Temperate Zone unfortunately contributed no further knowledge to eighteenth-century disease theory.

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Authors & Contributors
Jankovic, Vladimir
Andorlini, Isabella
Brown, Phil
Cañizares, Pilar Pérez
Cavallo, Sandra
Colwell, Rita R.
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Environment and History
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Science as Culture
University of Pennsylvania
Éditions du Sphinx
Edizioni ETS
Le Monnier
Manchester University Press
Hippocratic medicine
Disease and diseases
Climate and climatology
Environmental health; environmental medicine
Hippocrates of Cos
Protospatharius, Theophilus
Ferdinando, Epifanio
Time Periods
17th century
19th century
16th century
18th century
Early modern
Great Britain

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