Article ID: CBB566886877

Deeper than Symptoms: Heterogeneity as a Challenge to Network Models in Psychiatry (2023)


According to the Network Models account (NM), mental disorders arise from the interplay among symptoms in a network structure. Crucially, some versions of NM rest on the idea that symptoms should be taken as the causally relevant unit of analysis in the study of mental disorders. In this paper we offer some reasons to resist such an idea, by arguing that the exclusive focus on symptoms and their connections fails to provide us with the appropriate level of analysis to understand mental disorders. Drawing on evidence from cultural psychiatry and medical anthropology, we show that heterogeneity raises serious issues for NM. Through the discussion of three significant cases, we suggest that some versions of NM risk missing out on crucial aspects of the person’s pathology. Proponents of NM should therefore amend their account so as to make it more responsive to different aspects of heterogeneity.

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Authors & Contributors
Baker, Jonathan D.
Millard, Chris
Pickersgill, Martyn
Rosati, Pierpaolo
Bondioli, Cesare
Rüppel, Jonas
Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia
Medicina Historica
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Social Studies of Science
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Social History of Medicine
Springer Nature
Angelo Longo Editore
Mental health and illness
Mental disorders and diseases
Medicine and society
Public health
Darwin, Charles Robert
Hacking, Ian
Scarpa, Antonio
Tomaso Garzoni
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
19th century
18th century
Great Britain
Genoa (Italy)
United Kingdom

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