Article ID: CBB563541587

Science for the Multitude: Jules Dalsème's (1845-1904) ‘Natural Geometry” for the Education of All (2023)


The enlargement of scientific literacy in 19th-20th century Europe involved both new components of educational systems (primary schools and technical/vocational schools), and vulgarization of the sciences. We reconstruct the design of an intuitive, natural geometry curriculum by Jules Dalseme (1845-1904), who became professor of Mathematics at the Paris educational institution for prospective primary school teachers Ecole Normale de la Seine in 1872. Dalseme’s educational outlook is rooted in his engineering education (Ecole Polytechnique) and reflects the interplay between Euclidean geometry and practical geometry for the arts and crafts. He took advantage of the concrete and reasoned geometry put forward by the engineer Edouard Lagout (1820-1884) to train workers (but also for general primary education), inspired by the activities in the construction yard. Geometry was a path for the initiation to science, as well as useful knowledge for the arts and crafts: old and new purposes of elementary schools emerge in Dalseme’s textbooks for elementary school as crucial aspects for developing a mathematics for the multitude in the late modern age in Europe. His contribution is part of a more general trend going beyond numeracy and measure recipes in school mathematics and aimed to educate “reasoning citizens” and to help the nation social and economic progress.

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Authors & Contributors
Barbin, Évelyne
Bertucci, Paola
Bycroft, Michael
Courcelle, Olivier
Dell'Aglio, Luca
Florio, Emilia
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
American Mathematical Monthly
British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin
Business History Review
Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
Albin Michel
Renaissance Books
Crafts and craftspeople
Mathematics education
Labor and laborers
Boole, Mary Everest
Gentile, Giovanni
Lagrange, Joseph Louis
Lovelace, Ada, Countess of
Marcolongo, Roberto
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
17th century
20th century
20th century, early
Paris (France)
London (England)
Société des arts industriels, Paris
Washburn Wire Company

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