Cunsolo, Ashlee (Editor)
Landman, Karen (Editor)
We are facing unprecedented environmental challenges, including global climate change, large-scale industrial development, rapidly increasing species extinction, ocean acidification, and deforestation ? challenges that require new vocabularies and new ways to express grief and sorrow over the disappearance, degradation, and loss of nature. Seeking to redress the silence around ecologically based anxiety in academic and public domains, and to extend the concepts of sadness, anger, and loss, Mourning Nature creates a lexicon for the recognition and expression of emotions related to environmental degradation. Exploring the ways in which grief is experienced in numerous contexts, this groundbreaking collection draws on classical, philosophical, artistic, and poetic elements to explain environmental melancholia. Understanding that it is not just how we mourn but what we mourn that defines us, the authors introduce new perspectives on conservation, sustainability, and our relationships with nature. An ecological elegy for a time of climatic and environmental upheaval, Mourning Nature challenges readers to turn devastating events into an opportunity for positive change. Contributors include Glenn Albrecht (Murdoch University, retired); Jessica Marion Barr (Trent University); Sebastian Braun (University of North Dakota); Ashlee Cunsolo (Labrador Institute of Memorial University); Amanda Di Battista (York University); Franklin Ginn (University of Edinburgh); Bernie Krause (soundscape ecologist, author, and independent scholar); Lisa Kretz (University of Evansville); Karen Landman (University of Guelph); Patrick Lane (Poet); Andrew Mark (independent scholar); Nancy Menning (Ithaca College); John Charles Ryan (University of New England); Catriona Sandilands (York University); and Helen Whale (independent scholar).
Oswald J. Schmitz;
The New Ecology: Rethinking a Science for the Anthropocene
Karen Bakker;
Gaia's Web: How Digital Environmentalism Can Combat Climate Change, Restore Biodiversity, Cultivate Empathy, and Regenerate the Earth
Jenny Newell;
Cameron Muir;
Kristen Wehner;
Living with the Anthropocene: Love, Loss and Hope in the Face of Environmental Crisis
Alfonso Lucifredi;
Troppi. Conversazione sulla sovrappopolazione umana e sul futuro del pianeta
Stephanie Sodero;
Under the Weather: Reimagining Mobility in the Climate Crisis
Stewart J. Cohen;
Melissa W. Waddell;
Climate Change in the 21st Century
Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen;
Nils Bubandt;
Rachel Cypher;
Rubber Boots Methods for the Anthropocene: Doing Fieldwork in Multispecies Worlds
Jennifer Ferng;
Lauren Jacobi;
Land Air Sea: Architecture and Environment in the Early Modern Era
Lucas Brunet;
Transposing emotions to conserve nature? The positive politics of the metrics of ecosystem services
Giovanni Carrosio;
Alessandra Landi;
Spazio, ambiente, territorio. Teorie, metodi e prospettive di ricerca in sociologia
Sarah M. Hamylton;
Pat Hutchings;
Carrie Sims;
Selina Ward;
The Australian Coral Reef Society: The last 40 years of a century working with Australia’s coral reefs
V. Alaric Sample;
R. Patrick Bixler;
Char Miller;
Forest Conservation in the Anthropocene: Science, Policy, and Practice
Powell, Miles A.;
Singapore's Lost Coast: Land Reclamation, National Development and the Erasure of Human and Ecological Communities, 1822-Present
Marc Schlossman;
Extinction: Our Fragile Relationship with Life on Earth
Geoffrey Heal;
Endangered Economies: How the Neglect of Nature Threatens our Prosperity
Robert P. Marzec;
Militarizing the Environment: Climate Change and the Security State
Paddy Woodworth;
Our Once and Future Planet: Restoring the World in the Climate Change Century
Andrea Fantini;
Un autunno caldo: Crisi ecologica, emergenza climatica e altre catastrofi innaturali
Myanna Lahsen;
(September 2016)
Toward a Sustainable Future Earth: Challenges for a Research Agenda
Isabel Shaw;
Ritsuko Ozaki;
(May 2016)
Emergent Practices of an Environmental Standard
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