Bertucci, Paola (Author)
In 1749, the celebrated French physicist Jean-Antoine Nollet set out on a journey through Italy to solve an international controversy over the medical uses of electricity. At the end of his nine-month tour, he published a highly influential account of his philosophical battle with his Italian counterparts, discrediting them as misguided devotees of the marvelous. Paola Bertucci's In the Land of Marvels brilliantly reveals the mysteries of Nollet's journey, uncovering a subterranean world of secretive and ambitious intelligence gathering masked as scientific inquiry.The advent of electricity was a pivotal phenomenon not only in the history of physical experimentation, but also in the cultivation of popular scientific interest. Nollet's journey was supposedly inspired by the need to investigate, and subsequently report on, claims of the use of electrified "medicated tubes" by their Italian inventor Gianfrancesco Pivati. Motivated by economic interests in the silk industry, Nollet's journey was in fact an undercover mission commissioned by the French state to discover the secrets of Italian silk manufacture and possibly supplant its international success. The event that sparked the medical controversy―the unusual cure of a bishop―was a complete fabrication. Bertucci insightfully contrasts published accounts of the event with private documents and discusses how eighteenth-century scientists published fictional events and results to bolster their careers, ultimately leading to long-lasting misrepresentations of scientific practice and enduring stereotypes. In the Land of Marvels reveals the constellation of historical actors, from reputed physicists to travel writers and electrical amateurs, who manipulated information to gain authority and prestige.
Garofalo, Silvano;
L'enciclopedismo italiano: Gianfrancesco Pivati
Weiss, Kim Morrison;
Louis Pasteur's Butterflies: The Role of the “Sericicultrices” in the Metamorphosis of a Nineteenth-Century Germ Theory
L'électricité dans ses premières grandeurs, Presentation; Electricity in its first glories (1760-1820)
Bertucci, Paola;
Viaggio nel paese delle meraviglie: scienza e curiosità nell'Italia del Settecento
Pierre-Olaf Schut;
Matthieu Delalandre;
L’échec d’une discipline: Montée et déclin de la spéléologie en France (1888-1978)
Gauvin, Jean-François;
An eighteenth-century entrepreneur: Abbé Nollet's instrument-making trade seen through his correspondence with Etienne-François Dutour and Jean Jallabert
Nakata, Ryoichi;
Interpretations concerning an experiment of a water vortex for explaining the fall of bodies. (In Japanese)
Licoppe, Christian;
A French Mid-Eighteenth Century Crisis in Experimental Natural Philosophy: Nollet's Electrical Shows vs. the Devious Ways of Franklin's Electrical Atmospheres
Lynn, Michael R.;
Popular Science and Public Opinion in Eighteenth-Century France
Maluf, Ramez Bahige;
Jean Antoine Nollet and experimental natural philosophy in 18th-century France
Roberto Davini;
A Global Supremacy: The Worldwide Hegemony of the Piedmontese Reeling Technologies, 1720s-1830s
Takeda, Junko Thérèse;
Global Insects: Silkworms, Sericulture, and Statecraft in Napoleonic France and Tokugawa Japan
E. Stockland;
Patriotic Natural History and Sericulture in the French Enlightenment (1730–1780)
Bertucci, Paola;
Enlightened Secrets: Silk, Intelligent Travel, and Industrial Espionage in Eighteenth-Century France
Ferreiro, Larrie D.;
Spies versus prize: Technology transfer between navies in the age of Trafalgar
Hagner, Michael;
The Electrical Excitability of the Brain: Toward the Emergence of an Experiment
Armand Le Noxaïc;
Comment Blaise Pascal a pu envisager et réaliser l’expérience des liqueurs de Rouen
George E. Smith;
Raghav Seth;
Brownian Motion and Molecular Reality
Boantza, Victor D.;
The Rise and Fall of Nitrous Air Eudiometry: Enlightenment Ideals, Embodied Skills, and the Conflicts of Experimental Philosophy
Saltzman, Martin D.;
The Hare-Clarke Controversy over the Invention of the Improved Gas Blowpipe
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