Article Willa Brown (2023) “Half Man, Half Wildcat”: Itinerancy and the Myth of Frontier Manhood in the United States’ Lake Region. Environmental History (pp. 668-678).
Article Graeme Wynn (2023) Forests, Frontiers, and Extractivism. Environmental History (pp. 640-655).
Article Ellen Stroud (2023) New Directions in Forest History, but Please No New Frontiers. Environmental History (pp. 687-693).
Article Graeme Wynn (2023) Forest History and Environmental History: Kissing Cousins?. Environmental History (pp. 694-710).
Article Jason L. Newton (2023) Cutover Capitalism: Connecting Labor and Nature in Forest Extraction. Environmental History (pp. 656-667).
Graeme Wynn;
Forests, Frontiers, and Extractivism
Ellen Stroud;
New Directions in Forest History, but Please No New Frontiers
Graeme Wynn;
Forest History and Environmental History: Kissing Cousins?
Kheraj, Sean;
Restoring Nature: Ecology, Memory, and the Storm History of Vancouver's Stanley Park
David Brownstein;
Spasmodic research as executive duties permit: Space, practice, and the localization of forest management expertise in British Columbia, 1912–1928
Robert Griffin;
Richard A. Rajala;
The Sustainability Dilemma: Essays on British Columbia Forest and Environmental History
Book Thorpe, Jocelyn; Temagami's Tangled Wild: Race, Gender, and the Making of Canadian Nature (/isis/citation/CBB001200652/)
David Larsson Heidenblad;
Mapping a New History of the Ecological Turn: The Circulation of Environmental Knowledge in Sweden 1967
Brian Williams;
Mark Riley;
The Challenge of Oral History to Environmental History
Jason L. Newton;
Cutover Capitalism: Connecting Labor and Nature in Forest Extraction
Willa Brown;
“Half Man, Half Wildcat”: Itinerancy and the Myth of Frontier Manhood in the United States’ Lake Region
Klenk, Nicole L.;
Hickey, Gordon M.;
MacLellan, James Ian;
Evaluating the Social Capital Accrued in Large Research Networks: The Case of the Sustainable Forest Management Network (1995--2009)
John Clarke;
The Ordinary People of Essex: Environment, Culture, and Economy on the Frontier of Upper Canada
Joshua MacFadyen;
Flax Americana: A History of the Fibre and Oil that Covered a Continent
Alan J. Rocke;
Reflections on the Last and the Next Hundred Years
Adrian Currie;
Kirsten Walsh;
Frameworks for Historians and Philosophers
Ian Hesketh;
Counterfactuals and history: Contingency and convergence in histories of science and life
Robert Bud;
Representing scale: What should be special about the heritage of mass science?
William H. Brock;
The Long and Short of It: The Future Writing of History of Chemistry
Jeffrey I. Seeman;
Remote Interviewing and the History of Chemistry
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