Article ID: CBB549395354

Historical Perspective: The British Contribution to the Understanding of Neurocysticercosis (2019)


Neurocysticercosis, or brain infestation with the larval stage of Taenia solium, is the most common risk factor for epilepsy in many endemic regions of the world. Hardly any cases are seen in Western developed countries, including Britain. However, a sizeable number (n = 450) was seen among British soldiers returning from deputation to India, then a British colony, first reported by Col. MacArthur at the Queen Alexandria Military Hospital in 1931. Here, we review the influence of the perceptive observations of British Army medics on the understanding of the parasitic disorder. The majority of these people presented with epilepsy. Among the contributions of the army medics were establishing the diagnosis, initially by histological examination of subcutaneous and muscular infestation, and later by radiography, clarifying the prognosis and the role of medical and surgical treatments and uncovering the close relationship between the larval (cysticercosis) and adult (intestinal tapeworm) stages of T. solium.

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Authors & Contributors
Eadie, Mervyn J.
Bladin, Peter F.
Ayres, José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita
Binder, Devin K.
Bowler, Peter J.
Cherici, Céline
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Archives of Natural History
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Iranian Studies
Epilepsy Australia
John Libbey
Palgrave Macmillan
University of Chicago Press
Neurological diseases
Great Britain, colonies
Disease and diseases
Austregésilo, Antônio
Howard, Albert, Sir
Moreira, Juliano
Muskens, Louis J. J.
Peixoto, Afrânio
Tissot, Simon André
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
18th century
20th century
21st century
Great Britain
Alexandria (Egypt)
Persia (Iran)
East India Company (English)
Bombay Natural History Society

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