Evguenia Davidova (Author)
How were monarchy, gender, and nationalism entwined? Through contextualized comparisons of selected case studies (two generations of royal women in four countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, and Serbia/Yugoslavia), this article explores, in gendered terms, the instrumentalization of nursing as an evolving relationship between state building, warfare, welfare, and voluntary organizations. It argues that certain queens’ interventions in nursing successfully contributed to the “naturalization” of the ruling foreign dynasties in the Balkans and to the militarization of charity. Through such “soft power” they mobilized nursing in different ways to carve out an autonomous space and visibility in wartime as queen-nurses and in peacetime as queen-benefactors. In both cases, royal women personified the “curing” and “caring” dimensions of the modernizing state. Queens’ honorific leadership clearly linked the monarchy and the philanthropic sector but also discreetly expanded the power of the nationalizing state. Queens skillfully promoted a gendered culture of sacrifice, by representing women as caring “by nature,” and thus reinforced neo-traditionalist patriarchal regimes and weakened women’s effectiveness in pursuing their political and economic demands.
Sarah Roddy;
Julie-Marie Strange;
Bertrand Taithe;
The Charity Market and Humanitarianism in Britain, 1870–1912
Yanikda, Yücel;
Healing the Nation: Prisoners of War, Medicine and Nationalism in Turkey, 1914--1939
Edwards, Penny;
Bitter Pills: Colonialism, Medicine and Nationalism in Burma, 1870--1940
Burke, Chloe Serene;
Germs, Genes, and Dissent: Representing Radicalism as Disease in American Political Cartooning, 1877--1919
Espinosa, Mariola;
Epidemic Invasions: Yellow Fever and the Limits of Cuban Independence, 1878--1930
Kim, Hoi-eun;
Cure for Empire: The “Conquer-Russia-Pill,” Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, and the Making of Patriotic Japanese, 1904--45
Coghe, Samuël;
Inter-imperial Learning and African Health Care in Portuguese Angola in the Interwar Period
Krischel, Matthis;
Urologie und Nationalsozialismus: eine Studie zu Medizin und Politik als Ressourcen füreinander
Sufian, Sandra M.;
Healing the Land and the Nation: Malaria and the Zionist Project in Palestine, 1920--1947
Alter, Joseph S.;
Yoga and Physical Education: Swami Kuvalayananda's Nationalist Project
Wingfield, Nancy M.;
The Enemy Within: Regulating Prostitution and Controlling Venereal Disease in Cisleithanian Austria during the Great War
Jennifer Farquharson;
Health and hierarchy: soldiers, civilians and mental healthcare in Scotland, 1914–34
Neuner, Stephanie;
Politik und Psychiatrie: die staatliche Versorgung psychisch Kriegsbeschädigter in Deutschland 1920--1939
Mathias Schütz;
Memory Unbound, Unfounded Memory? On Medicine, the Holocaust, and Bioethical Reflection
Schmidt, Ulf;
Karl Brandt: The Nazi Doctor, Medicine, and Power in the Third Reich
Schwoch, Rebecca;
Ärztliche Standespolitik im Nationalsozialismus: Julius Hadrich und Karl Haedenkamp als Beispiele
Filiberto Agostini;
Università E Grande Guerra In Europa. Medicina Scienze E Diritto
Gootenberg, Paul;
A Forgotten Case of “Scientific Excellence on the Periphery”: The Nationalist Cocaine Science of Alfredo Bignon, 1884--1887
Mallory-Kani, Amy;
Medico-Politics and English Literature, 1790--1830: Immunity, Humanity, Subjectivity
Ernst van der Wal;
Skewing the nation: mobilizing queer citizenship in South Africa
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