Bilak, Donna (Author)
George Vrtis (Author)
Wherever mercury-gold amalgamation mining unfolds, alchemical processes abound. They are there as catalytic agents forming amalgams at atomic levels. They are there as cultural agents transforming rocks into cell phones and all kinds of consumer goods. And they are there as ideological agents mutually translating human understandings across whole worlds we describe as the sciences, humanities, and social sciences. These processes, we argue, are made more legible – more readily perceived and conceptualised – by peering through the lens of environmental alchemy, a new critical framework in which we apply the historical use of alchemical terms to investigations of environmental change, and to understand the extraordinary complexity that gold and mercury set in motion when mining entangles nature and culture.
Donna Bilak;
Living Then and Now with Gold and Mercury
Sebastián Rubiano-Galvis;
Jimena Diaz Leiva;
Ruth Goldstein;
Amalgamated Histories: Tracing Quicksilver's Legacy Through Environmental and Political Bodies in Andean and Amazonian Gold Mining
Peter Oakley;
Making Mercury’s Histories: Mercury in Gold Mining’s Past and Present
Liang, Honggang;
He, Zhiguo;
Sun, Shuyun;
China's Earliest Taoist Alchemical Artifact: Initial Study on the Gold-Mercury Alloy Unearthed from the No. 2 Western Han Tomb in Shuangbaoshan, Mianyang, Sichuan Province
Vincenzo Carlotta;
Matteo Martelli;
Metals as Living Bodies. Founts of Mercury, Amalgams, and Chrysocolla
Norris, John A.;
Auß Quecksilber und Schwefel Rein: Johann Mathesius (1504--65) and Sulfur-Mercurius in the Silver Mines of Joachimstal
Morse, Kathryn;
The Nature of Gold: An Environmental History of the Klondike Gold Rush
Henrike Haug;
In the Garden of Eden? Mineral lore and preaching in the Erzgebirge
Paolo Vingo (de);
Le radici della terra: Le miniere orobiche valtellinesi da risorsa economica a patrimonio culturale delle comunità tra medioevo ed età contemporanea
Francesco Luzzini;
Sounding the depths of Providence: Mineral (re)generation and human-environment interaction in the early modern period
Elisa Romano;
Didicit homo naturam provocare: il naturale e l’artificiale negli ultimi libri della Naturalis historia di Plinio il Vecchio
Francesco Luzzini;
Harvesting Underground: (Re)generative theories and vegetal analogies in the early modern debate on mineral ores
Auricchio, Laura;
Cook, Elizabeth Heckendorn;
Pacini, Giulia;
Invaluable Trees: Cultures of Nature, 1660--1830
Pérez Pariente, Joaquín;
Pascual Valderrama, Ignacio Miguel;
Alquimia, minería y cultura popular en las obras de los Barones de Beausoleil: los habitantes de los mundos subterráneos
Harper, Kyle;
Culture, Nature, and History: The Case of Ancient Sexuality
Nancy J. Turner;
Ancient Pathways, Ancestral Knowledge: Ethnobotany and Ecological Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples of Northwestern North America
Johnson, Sherry;
Climate and Catastrophe in Cuba and the Atlantic World in the Age of Revolution
Marguerite S. Shaffer;
Phoebe S. K. Young;
Rendering Nature: Animals, Bodies, Places, Politics
Marks, Robert B.;
China: Its Environment and History
Essay Review
Lieberman, Victor;
Essay review
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