Siobhan Angus (Author)
In Camera Geologica Siobhan Angus tells the history of photography through the minerals upon which the medium depends. Challenging the emphasis on immateriality in discourses on photography, Angus focuses on the inextricable links between image-making and resource extraction, revealing how the mining of bitumen, silver, platinum, iron, uranium, and rare earth elements is a precondition of photography. Photography, Angus contends, begins underground and, in photographs of mines and mining, frequently returns there. Through a materials-driven analysis of visual culture, she illustrates histories of colonization, labor, and environmental degradation to expose the ways in which photography is enmeshed within and enables global extractive capitalism. Angus places nineteenth-century photography in dialogue with digital photography and its own entangled economies of extraction, demonstrating the importance of understanding photography’s complicity in the economic, geopolitical, and social systems that order the world.
Paul R. Deslandes;
The Culture of Male Beauty in Britain: From the First Photographs to David Beckham
Elodie A. Roy;
Another Side of Shellac: Cultural and Natural Cycles of the Gramophone Disc
Graeme Wynn;
Forests, Frontiers, and Extractivism
Aurika Ričkienė;
Zofija Sinkevičienė;
Agnė Bagušinskaitė;
Ilona Jukonienė;
The 1940 monograph that has preserved natural history records of the lost raised bog of Šepeta, Lithuania
Emily Rees Koerner;
(October 2023)
Why Don't We Look at Television?
Roberto Farinelli;
Giovanna Santinucci;
I codici minerari nell'Europa preindustriale: archeologia e storia
Jeannette Graulau;
The underground wealth of nations : On the capitalist origins of silver mining, A.D. 1150-1450
Maura Mordini;
Brevi note sulla tradizione documentaria di alcune carte massetane in tema di miniere
Nicola Battelli;
Emanuele Curzel;
I codici minerari trentini
Marie-Christine Bailly-Maître;
Bruno Ancel;
Au carrefour des sources et de la pratique : le district minier médiéval d'Hierle, Saint-Laurent-le-Minier (Gard-France)
Daniela Aretino;
La città medievale rivive: una lettura dei capitoli del Breve di Villa di Chiesa
Marie-Christine Bailly-Maître;
Mines et métallurgie au Moyen Âge: une activité hautement stratégique très tôt encadrée par des statuts complexes
Celestina Sanna;
Le miniere nel Breve di Villa di Chiesa
Roberto Farinelli;
Dall'Erzgebirge alla Toscana di Cosimo I Medici: il lavoro minerario e metallurgico secondo "le ordine et statuti […] sopra le cave et meneri" del 1548
Alessandra Casini;
La valorizzazione di un territorio minerario: il Parco Nazionale delle Colline Metallifere Grossetane - Tuscan Mining Geopark: da paesaggio a parco, da ecomuseo a geoparco
Luisa Dallai;
Massa Marittima nell'età del Codice: una rilettura dei dati archeologici e minerari
Lena Asrih;
Überlegungen zu einer Geschichte des Wissens über Georessourcen im Mittelalter. Ein Aufschlag (Reflections on the history of knowledge concerning georesources in the Middle Ages. A supplement)
Giovanna Santinucci;
Massa Marittima: un territorio minerario
Juan Aurélio Pérez Macias;
Artur Martins;
João Xavier de Matos;
The Scavrarii of Vipasca
Ingrid Burrington;
War Crystals, Everlasting Metal, and Space-Time Annihilation: Excavating the Historical Geography of Early Digital Electronics
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