Sara Patuzzo (Author)
Aldini, Nicolò Nicoli (Author)
The study aims to highlight the role played by pharmacists within the spaces dedicated to them in some of the early codes of medical ethics during the historical period spanning from the 19th to the 20th century. A comparative analysis conducted on some of these codes and regulations allows for identifying six fundamental points from which the central theme of the professional relationship between physicians and pharmacists, as well as their respective duties and prohibitions, emerges: respecting their spheres of intervention, collaboration, and mutual protection, safeguarding the image and dignity of the professions, prohibition of establishing agreements for economic interests, and combating professional malpractice (unauthorized practice). Special attention is given to the compilation of prescriptions by physicians, demonstrating the operational, descriptive, and ideal purpose of medical ethics even in its early stages.
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Context, Ethics and Pharmacogenetics
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Assemblies of the Medical Circles of the Kingdom of Poland
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Mexican Medicinal Plants a Therapeutic Resource of Physicians and Traditional Healers
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Carlos del Castillo Rodríguez;
Francisco Lorenzo Avilés De Aldana (FL. 1630-1631), protomedico dell'esercito del. Ducato di Milano, vino elaborato con fiori di malva e Pedro Gutiérrez de Arévalo
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Oyola Fabián, Andrés;
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Ludovico Pacino Viti;
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I consulti di Ludovico Pacino Viti (1662-1732) e di altri medici del suo tempo
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