This paper revisits Fleeming Jenkin’s anonymous review of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, published in the North British Review in June 1867. This review is usually revered for its impact on Darwin’s theory of descent with modification. Its classical interpretation states that Jenkin, a Professor of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, made a compelling case against natural selection based on the fact of “blending inheritance” and the “swamping” of advantageous variations. Those themes, however, are strikingly absent from Jenkin’s text. They were later read into Jenkin’s text by scholars trying to explain how Darwinian selection was reconciled with Mendelian genes and the birth of the Modern Synthesis. While many scholars have tried to measure Jenkin’s effect on Darwin, the value of the 1867 review remains unclear. This paper re-examines its content and concludes that Jenkin’s “able review” was in fact written by an engineer whose competencies in biology were very low. Focusing on the figure of the shipwrecked white sailor isolated on an island inhabited by Black people, this paper also underlines the racial assumptions behind Jenkin’s review. “Blending inheritance” is thus a theme linked to theoretical reworkings on the question of race and skin colors, taking its root in Galton’s typology of heredity. Darwin was probably mostly unimpressed by Jenkin’s review. The problems raised by the review were not so much “blending inheritance” and “swamping” but a conundrum of problems related to the effects of intercrossing on variation and reversion.
Bill Jenkins;
Race Before Darwin: Variation, Adaptation and the Natural History of Man in Post-Enlightenment Edinburgh, 1790–1835
Bulmer, Michael;
Did Jenkin's Swamping Argument Invalidate Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection?
Noguera-Solano, Ricardo;
The Metaphor of the Architect in Darwin: Chance and Free Will
Hoquet, Thierry;
Laws of Variation: Darwin's Failed Newtonian Program?
Laurent Loison;
The environment: An ambiguous concept in Waddington's biology
Ulrich Krohs;
Darwin’s empirical claim and the janiform character of fitness proxies
Holterhoff, Kate;
The History and Reception of Charles Darwin's Hypothesis of Pangenesis
Polizello, Andreza;
Pereira Martins, Lilian Al-Chueyr;
Modelos microscópicos de herança no século XIX
Noguera-Solano, Ricardo;
Ruiz-Gutiérrez, Rosaura;
Darwin and Inheritance: The Influence of Prosper Lucas
Schwartz, James;
In Pursuit of the Gene: From Darwin to DNA
Ben Bradley;
Natural selection according to Darwin: Cause or effect?
Canseco, Juan;
Conflitto e confronto: l'evoluzionismo materialista di Darwin e l'evoluzionismo spiritualista di Wallace
Engels, Eve-Marie;
Charles Darwins geheimnisvolle Revolution
Deichmann, Ute;
Gemmules and Elements: On Darwin's and Mendel's Concepts and Methods in Heredity
Max Meulendijks;
Eclipsing the Eclipse?: A Neo-Darwinian Historiography Revisited
Georgijevsky, Aleksandr B.;
Charles Darwin---A Founder of the Evolutionary Anthropology
Bowler, Peter J.;
Do We Need a Non-Darwinian Industry?
Philippe Huneman;
The Multifaceted Legacy of the Human Genome Program for Evolutionary Biology: An Epistemological Perspective
Gissis, Snait B.;
Jablonka, Eva;
The Exclusion of Soft (“Lamarckian”) Inheritance from the Modern Synthesis
John Beatty;
The Creativity of Natural Selection? Part II: The Synthesis and Since
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