Article ID: CBB532835833

Ottoman Lakes and Fluid Landscapes: Environing, Wetlands and Conservation in the Marmara Lake Basin, Circa 1550–1900 (2024)


The study of Ottoman lakes and wetlands from the perspective of management and conservation is an emerging field. Scholars have explored Ottoman strategies for managing agricultural and extractive landscapes, yet detailed investigation of socio-political responses to dynamic wetlands, particularly during periods of drastic climate shifts, requires deeper investigation. Our research on wetlands and lakes moves from the purview of waqfs (pious foundations) to the emergence of the Ottoman Public Debt Administration (OPDA). By examining the shifting perspectives of institutional authority and community responses to it from the early modern period to the nineteenth century, we discuss the complexities of wetland management in the Marmara Lake Basin within the sancak of Saruhan (contemporary Manisa) in western Anatolia. We argue that intimate knowledge of this specific ecosystem played a critical role in mitigating attempts at reclamation and land grabbing and ultimately in developing legal structures of and policies for Ottoman conservation strategies. We situate our discussion within the paradigm of environing made possible by detailed longue-durée archival narratives; these micro-histories afford a dynamic perspective into non-linear responses to ecological and political changes and provide a local lens into the scalar impacts of human agency.

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Authors & Contributors
Faroqhi, Suraiya
Günergun, Feza
Hunt, John Dixon
İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin
O'Gorman, Emily
Rabier, Christelle
Environment and History
Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari: Studies in Ottoman Science
Atti e Memorie, Rivista di Storia della Farmacia
University of Washington Press
Istanbul Universitesi
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
I. B. Tauris
Il Mulino
McGill-Queen's University Press
Natural resource management
Landscape; landscapes
Forests and forestry
Environmental history
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Time Periods
Early modern
19th century
20th century
21st century
Ottoman Empire
Paris (France)

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