Phosphates mined in France’s North African empire fed interwar Europe’s voracious appetite for chemical fertilizers. In critique of histories vesting commodities themselves with the agency to make the modern world, I trace not the substance but the value embedded within it. By following value, I argue that the ‘commodity’ is not a stable unit of analysis. Rather, commodities are multiform. They can acquire myriad properties when the value embedded within them changes across time and place. During the interwar period, phosphates’ character as a commodity transmuted in relation to flows of other goods, movements of labour, global financial exigencies and imperial considerations. As phosphates assumed new forms, the geographic scales over which they operated changed too. Through North African phosphates, I explore value-making processes that perpetuated capital-intensive farming, allowing for a history not of the commodity-as-substance but of the commodity-as-historical-object whose analytical boundaries and forms shifted across contexts.
Barbara Hahn;
Bruce E. Baker;
The Cotton Kings: Capitalism and corruption in turn-of-the-century New York and New Orleans
Pritchard, Sara B.;
From Hydroimperialism to Hydrocapitalism: “French” Hydraulics in France, North Africa, and Beyond
Peter A. Coclanis;
(July 2016)
Review of "Empire of Cotton: A Global History"
Casey Primel;
Calculating Futures: Debt, Markets, and the Science of Prices in Colonial Egypt, 1882-1912
David A. Guba Jr;
Taming Cannabis: Drugs and Empire in Nineteenth-Century France
Richard C. Parks;
Medical Imperialism in French North Africa: Regenerating the Jewish Community of Colonial Tunis
Kory Olson;
Come Drive French North Africa: Cartographic and Guidebook Discourse in Michelin's 1929 Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie
Clark, Hannah-Louise;
Civilization and Syphilization: A Doctor and His Disease in Colonial Morocco
Keller, Richard C.;
Colonial Madness: Psychiatry in French North Africa
Núñez Espallargas, José M.;
La correspondencia científica entre Santiago Sánchez Cózar y Emilio Huguet del Villar (1946-1949): La investigación botánica y edafológica en el norte de África en la época del protectorado hispano-francés
Oliver Cussen;
The Lives of Merchant Capital: The Frères Monneron and the Legacy of Old Regime Empire
MacLeod, Roy;
Nature and Empire: Science and the Colonial Enterprise
Sarah E. M. Grossman;
Mining the Borderlands: Industry, Capital, and the Emergence of Engineers in the Southwest Territories, 1855-1910
Jeannette Graulau;
The underground wealth of nations : On the capitalist origins of silver mining, A.D. 1150-1450
Paul Lucier;
Comstock Capitalism: The Law, the Lode, and the Science
Tuffnell, Stephen;
Engineering Inter-Imperialism: American Miners and the Transformation of Global Mining, 1871--1910
Derek Byerlee;
The Super State: The Political Economy of Phosphate Fertilizer Use in South Australia, 1880–1940
David E. Lewis;
A Ye. Arbuzov: Father of Organophosphorus Chemistry in Russia
Carlo Fumian;
Pane quotidiano. L'invisibile mercato mondiale del grano tra XIX e XX secolo
David Pretel;
Hidden Connections: The Global History of Jungle Commodities
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