Article ID: CBB527491500

“Some Typically African Risks”: Safeguarding the Health of Italian Settlers During the Fascist Empire (1935–1941) (2023)


This essay examines the sanitary policies for the protection of overseas communities that Italian fascism employed during the empire. From 1935–1936, the vast scale of the Ethiopian campaign, as well as intensive colonisation programmes, gave new political visibility to the issue of safeguarding Italian settlers from the risks of the tropical climate. In this period, the problem of how Italians could adapt to overseas environments moved beyond the boundaries of scientific discussion to become a major concern of colonial rule. Analysing both the medical literature and archival sources, this essay examines the concepts and practices that underpinned the fascist project for the “reclamation” of the empire: from the intensification of hygienic propaganda, to the redefinition of the medical-geographical boundaries of tropical risk, and to the expansion of social security benefits, which were extended to harms caused by tropical diseases. Finally, it investigates how the notion of acclimatisation was transformed within the context of the regime's imperial ideology, showing how the conception of the tropics as a pathogenic space remained widespread, fuelled by the regime's organicistic vision and its concerns for upholding the racial prestige of Italians in the colony.

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Authors & Contributors
Jorland, Gérard
Abreu, Jean Luiz Neves
Bu, Liping
Campkin, Ben
Chu, Cecilia
Cox, Rosie
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History
Agricultural History
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
Histoire des Sciences Médicales
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Journal of Social History
I. B. Tauris
Carocci Editore
Franco Angeli
Oxford University Press
Public health
Science and politics
Pasteur, Louis
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
18th century
Qing dynasty (China, 1644-1912)
Great Britain

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