Abstract The problem of explaining the Sun’s enormous output of heat and light was first attacked in the 1840s and soon resulted in a consensus view that solar energy was mechanical in origin. From about 1860 to 1905 the standard model was the so-called Helmholtz-Thomson contraction theory which however faced a number of serious problems. Physicists and astronomers slowly realised that the source was not mechanical but due to intra-atomic processes, either proton-electron annihilation or fusion of hydrogen into helium atoms. Both possibilities were discussed by Arthur Eddington in the 1920s, but it was only with quantum mechanics and a new picture of the atomic nucleus that quantitative models were developed. The old riddle of solar energy was essentially solved with Hans Bethe’s celebrated theory published in 1938-1939. This paper briefly reviews the developments from about 1850 to 1940.
Hufbauer, Karl;
Stellar Structure and Evolution, 1924--1939
Cesare Silvi;
La storia dell'uso dell'energia solare sulla Terra
Smadja, Ivahn;
Tuning up Mind's Pattern to Nature's Own Idea: Eddington's Early Twenties Case for Variational Derivatives
Bernard Bigot;
Big Science “for the benefit of all mankind”
Mota, Elsa;
Crawford, Paulo;
Simões, Ana;
Einstein in Portugal: Eddington's Expedition to Principe and the Reactions of Portuguese Astronomers (1917--25)
Sponsel, Alistair;
Constructing a “Revolution in Science”: The Campaign to Promote a Favourable Reception for the 1919 Solar Eclipse Experiments
Batten, Alan H.;
What Eddington Did Not Say
Jackiw, Roman;
Hans Bethe, My Teacher
French, Steven;
Scribbling on the Blank Sheet: Eddington's Structuralist Conception of Objects
Schweber, Silvan S.;
Nuclear Forces: The Making of the Physicist Hans Bethe
Durham, Ian T.;
Eddington and Uncertainty
Fontes, Christopher J.;
Bostock, Christopher J.;
Bartschat, Klaus;
Annotation of Hans Bethe's paper, Zeitschrift för Physik 76, 293 (1932), “Braking Formula for Electrons of Relativistic Speed”
Adam Tamas Tuboly;
Knowledge Missemination: L. Susan Stebbing, C.E.M. Joad, and Philipp Frank on the Philosophy of the Physicists
Almassi, Ben;
Trust in Expert Testimony: Eddington's 1919 Eclipse Expedition and the British Response to General Relativity
Matthew Stanley;
Einstein's War: How Relativity Conquered Nationalism and Shook the World
Lambert, Dominique;
Les origines de l'hypothèse de l'Atome primitif: une perspective nouvelle
Stanley, Matthew;
So Simple a Thing as a Star: The Eddington--Jeans Debate over Astrophysical Phenomenology
Durham, Ian T.;
Rethinking the History of Solar Wind Studies: Eddington's Analysis of Comet Morehouse
Batten, Alan H;
Creed and Experience: Eddington on Science and Religion
Stanley, Matthew George;
Practical Mystic: Religion and Science in the Life and Work of A. S. Eddington
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