Tan, Wei Yu Wayne (Author)
In Meiji-era Japan (1868–1912), the regime launched a vigorous national campaign to vaccinate the population against smallpox. This unfolded in the contexts of the persistent threat of smallpox, the growing science of public health, and the complex politics of vaccination. This article provides new perspectives on how Meiji Japan developed ideas of disease and disability around smallpox. For disability historians, this means an opportunity to examine how the contours of disability history took shape around social and medical discourses in modern Japan. More broadly, this article argues that by reorienting our historical methods toward including medical perspectives in the social analysis of disability, we can consider disability history (especially the disability history of Japan) in a new light.
...MoreArticle Mara Mills; Jaipreet Virdi; Sarah F. Rose (2024) Disability, Epistemology, Sciencing. Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 1-24).
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