This article studies the history of astrology in al-Andalus during the period when scientific activity reaches its peak. During the eleventh century, astrological production grows in quantity and quality but so does anti-astrological literature. The advent into power of the North African dynasties in the late eleventh century prompts the decline of astrological practice due to religious reasons. During the second half of the twelfth century, the Aristotelian philosophers likewise adopt an anti-astrological stance based on scientific considerations. The article analyzes, on the one hand, the arguments in favor of astrology found in eleventh century sources from alAndalus, namely a chapter of the memoirs written by the Zirid king of Granada, 'Abd Allah b. Buluggtn (r. 1075-1090). On the other hand, it surveys the anti-astrological arguments of the religious scholars of the eleventh century that hastened astrology'S decline, focusing on three major authors, Ibn 'Abd ai-Barr (978-1071), Abu 1- Walld al-Bajl (1012-1081) and Ibn l;Iazm (991-1064), and their relationship with the anti-astrological discourse of philosophers like Ibn Bajja (d. 1139) and Ibn Rushd (d. 1198). The article also studies the place of astrology in the scientific practice of this time.
...MoreBook Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum; Charles Burnett (2015) From Māshāʾallāh to Kepler: Theory and Practice in Medieval and Renaissance Astrology.
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