Book ID: CBB515030106

Heredity Explored: Between Public Domain and Experimental Science, 1850-1930 (2016)


This book examines the wide range of scientific and social arenas in which the concept of inheritance gained relevance in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Although genetics emerged as a scientific discipline during this period, the idea of inheritance also played a role in a variety of medical, agricultural, industrial, and political contexts. The book, which follows an earlier collection, Heredity Produced (covering the period 1500 to 1870), addresses heredity in national debates over identity, kinship, and reproduction; biopolitical conceptions of heredity, degeneration, and gender; agro-industrial contexts for newly emerging genetic rationality; heredity and medical research; and the genealogical constructs and experimental systems of genetics that turned heredity into a representable and manipulable object. Taken together, the essays in Heredity Explored show that a history of heredity includes much more than the history of genetics, and that knowledge of heredity was always more than the knowledge formulated as Mendelism. It was the broader public discourse of heredity in all its contexts that made modern genetics possible.

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Authors & Contributors
Achterberg, Peter
Aird, Rosemary
Atkinson, Lucy
Bezerra, José Arimatea Barros
Brandt, Christina
Buys, Laurie
Public Understanding of Science
Science Communication
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Historical Records of Australian Science
History of Science
MIT Press
Franco Angeli
Public understanding of science
Communication of scientific ideas
Public opinion
Science and society
Science and politics
Climate change
Bateson, William
Eddington, Arthur Stanley
Laby, Thomas Howell
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, early
19th century
20th century
20th century, late
18th century
United States
Academia Brasileira de Ciencias

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