Today, machine learning underlies a range of applications we use every day, from product recommendations to voice recognition—as well as some we don't yet use everyday, including driverless cars. It is the basis for a new approach to artificial intelligence that aims to program computers to use example data or past experience to solve a given problem. In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Ethem Alpaydin offers a concise and accessible overview of “the new AI.” This expanded edition offers new material on such challenges facing machine learning as privacy, security, accountability, and bias. Alpaydin, author of a popular textbook on machine learning, explains that as “Big Data” has gotten bigger, the theory of machine learning—the foundation of efforts to process that data into knowledge—has also advanced. He describes the evolution of the field, explains important learning algorithms, and presents example applications. He discusses the use of machine learning algorithms for pattern recognition; artificial neural networks inspired by the human brain; algorithms that learn associations between instances; and reinforcement learning, when an autonomous agent learns to take actions to maximize reward. In a new chapter, he considers transparency, explainability, and fairness, and the ethical and legal implications of making decisions based on data.
Mark Coeckelbergh;
AI Ethics
Peter M. Asaro;
(June 2019)
AI Ethics in Predictive Policing: From Models of Threat to an Ethics of Care
John Zerilli;
A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence
Roberto Pieraccini;
AI Assistants
Alexandra Luccioni;
Yoshua Bengio;
(March 2020)
On the Morality of Artificial Intelligence [Commentary]
Cristiano Castelfranchi;
For a Science-oriented, Socially Responsible, and Self-aware AI: beyond Ethical Issues
Rino Falcone;
Cognizione e Sistemi Intelligenti: il ruolo della Fiducia
Ben Kenwright;
(December 2018)
Virtual Reality: Ethical Challenges and Dangers
Peter Andras;
Lukas Esterle;
Michael Guckert;
The Anh Han;
Peter R. Lewis;
Kristina Milanovic;
Terry Payne;
Cedric Perret;
Jeremy Pitt;
Simon T. Powers;
Neil Urquhart;
Simon Wells;
(December 2018)
Trusting Intelligent Machines: Deepening Trust Within Socio-Technical Systems
Taina Bucher;
If ... then: algorithmic power and politics
Max Tegmark;
Life 3.0 – Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Ashley Shew;
(March 2020)
Ableism, Technoableism, and Future AI
Laura Leondina Campanozzi;
Eugenio Guglielmelli;
Eleonora Cella;
Giampaolo Ghilardi;
Mirta Michilli;
Alfonso Molina;
Massimo Ciccozzi;
Vittoadolfo Tambone;
(December 2019)
Building Trust in Social Robotics: A Pilot Survey
Katina Michael;
Diana Bowman;
Meg Leta Jones;
Ramona Pringle;
(March 2018)
Robots and Socio-Ethical Implications [Guest Editorial]
Germaine Halegoua;
Smart Cities
Stephen Cave;
Kanta Dihal;
Sarah Dillon;
AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines
Ada Diaconescu;
Efficiency Versus Creativity as Organizing Principles of Socio-Technical Systems: Why Do We Build (Intelligent) Systems? [Commentary]
Thomas Haigh;
Paul E. Ceruzzi;
A New History of Modern Computing: How the Computer Became Universal.
Lyria Bennett Moses;
(September 2018)
Is Your Algorithm Dangerous?
Alan F. Blackwell;
Ethnographic artificial intelligence
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