Article ID: CBB513903674

Sulla ricezione del "Theorema Egregium," 1828-1868 (2018)


The article aims to analyze the history of the reception of the Theorema Egregium in the time span between the publication of Gauss's "Disquisitiones" and about 1870. Some contributions by Liouville, Bertrand, Puiseux, Chelini, Brioschi and Beltrami are carefully analyzed, by showing how the authors proposed to demonstrate this fundamental result of surface theory in a manner that highlighted its geometric content in a more satisfactory way than Gauss's original treatment. In actual fact, most part of the ideas underlying these reformulations was already contained in the research (private and published only posthumously) of Gauss. Curiously, the history of the reception of the Theorema Egregium in the period considered was littered with attempts, certainly unaware, to rediscover demonstrations and procedures that Gauss had deemed inadequate and that he had definitively discarded when drafting the text of the "Disquisitiones." As will be shown, the reception of Gauss's ideas produced a fruitful and in-depth debate concerning the methods and techniques that should be considered most suitable to deal with problems in the realm of the theory of surfaces.

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Authors & Contributors
Bullynck, Maarten
Berghe, G. Vanden
Bradleya, Robert E.
Chen, Huiyong
Cogliati, Alberto
Coxeter, H. S. M.
Historia Mathematica
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
Journal for General Philosophy of Science
Mathematical Association of America
Princeton University
Carocci Editore
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura
Non-euclidean geometry
Correspondence and corresponding
Gauss, Carl Friedrich
Poincaré, Jules Henri
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard
Euler, Leonhard
Klein, Felix
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century, early
20th century
Florence (Italy)
St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences
Göttingen. Universität

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