Mathieu Arminjon (Author)
Marion-Veyron, Régis (Author)
In this short paper we analyse some paradoxical aspects of France’s Foucauldian heritage: (1) while several French scholars claim the COVID-19 pandemic is a perfect example of what Foucault called biopolitics, popular reaction instead suggests a biopolitical failure on the part of the government; (2) One of these failures concerns the government’s inability to produce reliable biostatistical data, especially regarding health inequalities in relation to COVID-19. We interrogate whether Foucaldianism contributed, in the past as well today, towards a certain myopia in France regarding biostatistics and its relation to social inequalities in health. One might ask whether this very data could provide an appropriate response to the Foucauldian question: What kind of governance of life is the pandemic revealing to us?
Michal Kravel-Tovi;
The Specter of Dwindling Numbers: Population Quantity and Jewish Biopolitics in the United States
Abril Saldaña-Tejeda;
Xyoli Pérez-Campos;
Elizabeth Reddy;
Seismic noise to public health signal: Investigating the effects of pandemic guidance in Mexico
Flavio D'Abramo;
Giulia Gandolfi;
Gerardo Ienna;
Pietro Daniel Omodeo;
Charles Wolfe;
Political epistemology of pandemic management
Weintraub, Ana Cecília Andrade de Moraes;
Vasconcellos, Maria da Penha Costa;
Contribuições do pensamento de Didier Fassin para uma análise crítica das políticas de saúde dirigidas a populações vulneráveis
Sean Erwin;
Microbiopolitics: Security Mechanisms, the Hela Cell, and The Human Strain
Florence Bretelle‐Establet;
Science, Demons, and Gods in the Battle Against the COVID-19 Epidemic
Lyle Fearnley;
(September 2020)
Viral Sovereignty or Sequence Etiquette? Asian Science, Open Data, and Knowledge Control in Global Virus Surveillance
Mariola Espinosa;
Revisiting "What Is an Epidemic?" in the Time of COVID-19: Lessons from the History of Latin American Public Health
Jorge Castillo-Sepúlveda;
Francisco Tirado;
Ana Gálvez;
Biopolitics and speculative objects in Chilean health projects
Rottenburg, Richard;
Social and Public Experiments and New Figurations of Science and Politics in Postcolonial Africa
Nicole Charles;
Suspicious Refusals: HPV Vaccine Hesitancy and the Politics of Protection in Barbados
Greg Bird;
Jon Short;
Cultural and Biological Immunization: A Biopolitical Analysis of Immigration Apparatuses
Lukas Engelmann;
A box, a trough and marbles: How the Reed-Frost epidemic theory shaped epidemiological reasoning in the 20th century
Benedetta Piazzesi;
Del governo degli animali. Allevamento e biopolitica
Lagios, Thanasis;
Law and Norm: Science and Biopolitics through a Foucauldian perspective
Maurizio Meloni;
The politics of environments before the environment: Biopolitics in the longue durée
Stefano Santasilia;
Pandemia e stili di vita: pazienza
Silvia Caianiello;
Accelerazione. Riflessioni sulle temporalità della pandemia
Stefania Achella;
Ragioni della scienza e ragioni politiche. Alcune considerazioni filosofiche
Davide Orsini;
James A. Ostenson;
Francesco Brigo;
Mariano Martini;
Pandemics and Mental Disorders: From the Thought of the 19th Century Psychiatrist Andrea Verga to long-term effects of COVID-19
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