Article ID: CBB510749802

Should phenomenological approaches to illness be wary of naturalism? (2019)


In some quarters within philosophy of medicine, more particularly in the phenomenological approaches, naturalism is looked upon with suspicion. This paper argues, first, that it is necessary to distinguish between two expressions of this attitude towards naturalism: phenomenological approaches to illness disagree with naturalism regarding various theoretical claims and they disapprove of naturalism on an ethical level. Second, this paper argues that both the disagreement with and the disapproval of naturalism are to a large extent confused. It then offers some proposals to set up an agenda for future collaboration.

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Authors & Contributors
Aho, James
Aho, Kevin
Cambrosio, Alberto
Carel, Havi
Cooper, Glen M.
Glackin, Shane Nicholas
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
American Journal of Philology
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Journal of World History
Korean Journal of Medical History
Amsterdam University Press
L'Erma di Bretschneider
Lexington Books
Oxford University Press
Disease and diseases
Philosophy of medicine
Naturalism (philosophy)
Science and ethics
Bernard, Claude
Buchler, Justus
Canguilhem, Georges
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Palmieri, Paolo
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
19th century
16th century
18th century
20th century, late
United States
Ottoman Empire

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