Hannam, James (Author)
The Globe tells the story of humanity’s quest to discover the form of the world: that the Earth is round and not flat. Philosophers in ancient Greece deduced the true shape of the Earth in the fourth century BCE; the Romans passed the knowledge to India, from where it spread to Baghdad and Central Asia. In early medieval Europe, Christians debated the matter, but long before the time of Columbus, the Catholic Church had accepted that Earth is a ball. However, it wasn’t until the seventeenth century that Jesuit missionaries finally convinced the Chinese that their traditional square-earth cosmology was mistaken. An accessible challenge to long-established beliefs about the history of ideas, The Globe shows how the realization that our planet is a sphere deserves to be considered the first great scientific achievement.
Pier Franco Nali;
Annibale Riccò and the catoptric proof of the Earth’s curvature
Hamel, Jürgen;
Die Kugelgestalt der Erde -- Vorstellungen im europäischen Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts
David Aubin;
Femmes, Vulgarisation Et Pratique Des Sciences Au Siecle Des Lumieres: Les Dialogues Sur l'Astronomie Et La Lettre Sur La Figure de la Terre de Cesar-Francois Cassini de Thury
Meropi Morfouli;
Galileo Galilei, le « mesureur du temps » et les longitudes: Une interprétation nouvelle de l’instrument proposé par Galilée en 1637
Violaine Giacomotto-Charra;
Sylvie Nony;
La Terre plate: Généalogie d'une idée fausse
Carman, Christián Carlos;
Evans, James;
The Two Earths of Eratosthenes
Haka, Andreas;
The Earth's Rotation in Focus: The Local and Global Institutionalization of Planetary Geodesy in the 19th Century
Décamp, Nicolas;
Hosson, Cécile de;
Implementing Eratosthenes' Discovery in the Classroom: Educational Difficulties Needing Attention
Miguel Ohnesorge;
Pluralizing measurement: Physical geodesy's measurement problem and its resolution
Amīn, Majdī Yùsef;
Limitations of Longitude and Latitude Circles Between Al-Byruni and Modern Science
Roel Nicolai;
The Map Projection of Portolan Charts
Danson, Edwin;
Weighing the World: The Quest to Measure the Earth
Dmitry A. Shcheglov;
The Accuracy of Ancient Cartography Reassessed: The Longitude Error in Ptolemy’s Map
Moema de Rezende Vergara;
Observational astronomy and the mapping of Brazil at the turn of the 20th century
Carvalhinho Branco, Rui Miguel;
Políticas de informatión cartográfica y ordenación del territorio: cartografía terrestre y geodesia en el Portugal del siglo XIX (1852--1893)
Malova, T. I.;
Instrumental'noe izuchenie rel'efa i ego otobrazhenie na kartakh territorii Rossii v seredine XIX v.
Ingrid Baumgärtner;
Fürstliche Koordinaten: Landesvermessung und Herrschaftsvisualisierung um 1600
Ariel, Avraham;
Berger, Nora Ariel;
Plotting the Globe: Stories of Meridians, Parallels, and the International Date Line
Kristensen, L. Kahl;
Wessel as a Cartographer
Rankin, William Joseph;
After the Map: Cartography, Navigation, and the Transformation of Territory in the Twentieth Century
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