Anne Kwaschik (Author)
During the 1970s, feminist activists reappropriated the figure of the witch in various ways as a symbol of alterity, political radicalism, feminist revolt or victimhood, or the presentation of subversive (healing or bodily) knowledge. The article investigates these witch constructions with a focus on its experiential foundations drawing on appropriations in Western Germany within a larger transatlantic history. First, it provides a brief overview of witch discourses in the 1970s, highlighting radical feminist, health-political and artistic milieus, based on representative Western European journals and movement literature. The article emphasizes the variety of witch images and its epistemic foci, showing that however different these approaches may appear, they all created women’s alterity. Second, the article examines alternative practices of knowledge production, focusing on health guides and advice literature, as well as on approaches to experience in consciousness-raising groups. This section demonstrates how witch discourses both enabled the movement’s knowledge empowerment, but were also part of complex boundary work within the milieus, such as in the debates about the relationship between experiential knowledge and theory. The last section shows how closely and in what ways spiritualist approaches were linked to this boundary work. The article argues that feminist milieus constituted themselves within the framework of feminist epistemologies against and within established knowledge cultures, thereby drawing further boundaries within the movement. In analyzing the “evidence of experience” (Scott) produced by witch discourses its overarching aim is to demonstrate that their historical relevance initially laid in its standpoint-creating character.
Knake, Sebastian;
«Moderne Vertriebswege»: Die Verbreitung erfolgsorientierter Vergütungsformen im Privatkundengeschäft bei Banken und Versicherungen in Westdeutschland in den 1970er und 80er Jahren. ("Modern distribution channels": the dissemination of success-oriented forms of remuneration in the private customer business of banks and insurance companies in West Germany in the 1970s and 1980s.)
Susanne Doetz;
The socialist patient collective, the printing press, and anti-psychiatry in Heidelberg in the 1970s
Mathias Grote;
Anke te Heesen;
Dieter Hoffmann;
Bausteine zu einer Oral History der Wissenschaftsgeschichte Interview mit Dieter Hoffmann (Building blocks for an oral history of the history of science Interview with Dieter Hoffmann)
Corinna Schlombs;
Unerkannte Personen der Computertechnik: Dateneingabe im Bankwesen (Unidentified persons in computer technology: Data entry in the banking sector)
Jonathan Voges;
„Es gibt immer etwas zu tun“. Das Haus als Objekt heimwerkenden Reparierens in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit 1945 („There is always something to do.“ The Home as an Object of Repairing in the Federal Republic of Germany Since 1945)
Reinhild Kreis;
Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst. Umnutzen, alltägliches Versorgungshandeln und Innovationsförderung in deutsch- deutscher Perspektive (Potential is in the Eye of the Beholder. Repurposing, Modes of Provision and the Promotion of Innovation in East and West Germany)
Martina Kölbl-Ebert;
Closing the iron curtain: how geologists in Berlin experienced the cold war era
Friedrich Cain;
Dietlind Hüchtker;
Bernhard Kleeberg;
Karin Reichenbach;
Jan Surman;
Introduction: Scientific Authority and the Politics of Science and History in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe
Stephen Milder;
Greening Democracy: The Anti-Nuclear Movement and Political Environmentalism in West Germany and Beyond, 1968-1983
Martin Schmitt;
Banking the Future of Banking: Savings Banks and the Digital Age in East and West Germany
Claas Kirchhelle;
Toxic Confusion: The Dilemma of Antibiotic Regulation in West German Food Production (1951–1990)
Krebs, Stefan;
Maintaining the Mobility of Motor Cars: The Case of (West) Germany, 1918–1980
Weber, Heike;
Mending or Ending? Consumer Durables, Obsolescence and Practices of Reuse, Repair and Disposal in West Germany (1960s–1980s)
Andrew S. Tompkins;
Better Active than Radioactive!: Anti-Nuclear Protest in 1970s France and West Germany
Karlsch, Rainer;
Das Milliardengeschäft der Hoechst AG mit der DDR-Chemieindustrie von 1976. (The billion dollar deal between Hoechst and the chemical industry in the GDR in 1976.)
Jonathan Voges;
Medien zum Selbermachen: Der Baumarkt als Ort des medialisierten Einkaufs seit den 1970er Jahren. (Do-it-yourself media: The hardware store as a site of mediatized shopping since the 1970s.)
Neumaier, Christopher;
Eco-Friendly Versus Cancer-Causing: Perceptions of Diesel Cars in West Germany and the United States, 1970--1990
Thomas Kasper;
Wie der Sozialstaat digital wurde: Die Computerisierung der Rentenversicherung im geteilten Deutschland [How the welfare state went digital: The computerization of pension insurance in divided Germany]
Achim Eberspächer;
Das Projekt Futurologie über Zukunft und Fortschritt in der Bundesrepublik 1952-1982; (The futurology project: About future and progress in West Germany, 1952–1982)
Dennis Romberg;
Atomgeschäfte: die Nuklearexportpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1970-1979; (Nuclear deals: The nuclear export policy of the Federal Republic of Germany 1970–1979)
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