The world today seems to be slipping into a science fiction future. We have phones that speak to us, cars that drive themselves, and connected devices that communicate with each other in languages we don't understand. Depending on the news of the day, we inhabit either a technological utopia or a Brave New World nightmare. This volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series surveys the uses of science fiction. It focuses on what is at the core of all definitions of science fiction: a vision of the world made otherwise and what possibilities might flow from such otherness. After a brief overview of the genre's origins, science fiction authority Sherryl Vint considers how and why contemporary science fiction is changing. She explores anxieties in current science fiction over such key sites of technological innovation as artificial intelligence, genomic research and commodified biomedicine, and climate change. Connecting science fiction with speculative design and futurology in the corporate world, she argues that science fiction does not merely reflect these trends, but has a role in directing them.
Marco Castellari;
Formula e metafora: figure di scienziati nelle letterature e culture contemporanee
Francesca Ripamonti;
Victor Frankenstein, ovvero il Prometeo moderno nella cinematografia del xx secolo
Luca Bernardini;
Tra tradizione e futurologia: figure di scienziati nell'opera di Stanisław Lem
Raffaella Vassena;
Lo scienziato-filosofo e il soldato rivoluzionario in Aelita, 1922-1923, di Aleksej Tolstoj: dal romanzo al film
Waugh, Patricia;
Mind in Modern Fiction: Literary and Philosophical Perspectives after Darwin
Brown, Alistair;
E-Volutionary Fictions: The Darwin Algorithm in Literature and Computer Games
Ogilvie, Brian W.;
The Pleasure of Describing: Art and Science in August Johann Rösel Von Rosenhof's Monthly Insect Entertainment
Lester D. Friedman;
Allison B. Kavey;
Monstrous Progeny: A History of the Frankenstein Narratives
Aimee Slaughter;
Ray Guns and Radium: Radiation in the Public Imagination as Reflected in Early American Science Fiction
Hitchcock, Susan Tyler;
Frankenstein: A Cultural History
Short, John Phillip;
Magic Lantern Empire: Colonialism and Society in Germany
Alexander Hall;
Evolution on British Television and Radio: Transmissions and Transmutations
McCray, Patrick;
From L5 to X Prize: California's Alternative Space Movement
Emanuela Piga Bruni;
La macchina fragile. L'inconscio artificiale fra letteratura, cinema e televisione
Kripal, Jeffrey J.;
Mutants and Mystics: Science Fiction, Superhero Comics, and the Paranormal
Zur, Dafna;
Let's Go to the Moon: Science Fiction in the North Korean Children's Magazine Adong Munhak, 1956--1965
Syon, G. de;
Balloons on the Moon: Visions of Space Travel in Francophone Comic Strips
Arnaud Parent;
Science in Eighteenth-Century French Literary Fiction: A Step to Modern Science Fiction and a New Definition of the Human Being?
Schwartz, Matthias;
How Nauchnaia Fantastika Was Made: The Debates about the Genre of Science Fiction from NEP to High Stalinism
Cheng, John;
Astounding Wonder: Imagining Science and Science Fiction in Interwar America
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