Ludwik Fleck is known mainly for his pioneering studies of science as a social activity. This text investigates a different aspect of Fleck’s epistemological thought—his engagement with normative aspects of medicine and public health and their political underpinnings. In his sinuous professional trajectory, Fleck navigated between two distinct thought styles: fundamental microbiological research and practice-oriented investigations of infectious diseases. Fleck’s awareness of tensions between these two approaches favored the genesis of his theoretical reflections. At the same time, his close observation of medical and epidemiological practices led him to the conclusion that collectively produced scientific facts are situated and fragile. Thought collectives, Fleck explained, can err or yield to external pressures, with potentially disastrous consequences. While Fleck the reflexive experimental scientist has been creatively translated into the science studies idiom, Fleck the reflexive practical microbiologist and public health expert still awaits inspired translation.
Ludwig Fleck;
(May 2016)
Ludwik Fleck: On Medical Experiments on Human Beings
Bonah, Christian;
“Experimental Rage”: The Development of Medical Ethics and the Genesis of Scientific Facts. Ludwik Fleck: An Answer to the Crisis of Modern Medicine in Interwar Germany?
Hedfors, Eva;
Medical Ethics in the Wake of the Holocaust: Departing from a Postwar Paper by Ludwik Fleck
Victoria Lee;
The Microbial Production of Expertise in Meiji Japan
Lynne Quarmby;
Watermelon Snow: Science, Art, and a Lone Polar Bear
Löwy, Ilana;
`A River That Is Cutting Its Own Bed': The Serology of Syphilis between Laboratory, Society and the Law
Sleeboom-Faulkner, Margaret;
Kumar Patra, Prasanna;
(October 2011)
Experimental stem cell therapy: Biohierarchies and bionetworking in Japan and India
Tess Lanzarotta;
(October 2020)
Ethics in retrospect: Biomedical research, colonial violence, and Iñupiat sovereignty in the Alaskan Arctic
John H. Evans;
The Human Gene Editing Debate
Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner;
(June 2019)
Regulatory brokerage: Competitive advantage and regulation in the field of regenerative medicine
Laura Ephraim;
Who Speaks for Nature?: On the Politics of Science
Sharon Koppman;
Cindy L. Cain;
Erin Leahey;
(January 2015)
The Joy of Science: Disciplinary Diversity in Emotional Accounts
Mary S. Morgan;
Inducing Visibility and Visual Deduction
You-Na Lee;
John P. Walsh;
Rethinking Science as a Vocation: One Hundred Years of Bureaucratization of Academic Science
Bruno M. L. Pinto;
José L. Costa;
Henrique N. Cabral;
How Do Science Communication Practitioners View Scientists and Audiences in Relation to Public Engagement Activities? A Research Note Concerning the Marine Sciences in Portugal
Dilshani Sarathchandra;
Risky Science? Perception and Negotiation of Risk in University Bioscience
Siyi Chen;
Yimeng Wei;
Hong, Wei;
COVID-19 Making “Idols”: The Birth of Celebrity Scientists in China
Sampsa Saikkonen;
Esa Väliverronen;
The trickle-down of political and economic control: On the organizational suppression of environmental scientists in government science
Thomas Krendl Gilbert;
Andrew Loveridge;
(February 2021)
Subjectifying objectivity: Delineating tastes in theoretical quantum gravity research
Shana Lee Hirsch;
Jerrold Long;
(March 2021)
Adaptive Epistemologies: Conceptualizing Adaptation to Climate Change in Environmental Science
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