Renato Vecchiato (Author)
We know for sure that black benedictine monks came to Santa Giustina in Padua in 971. In 1409 Ludovico Barbo, while undertaking a reform of the monastic life, provided an apothecary inside the abbey with a garden of the simple. Between 1400 and 1500 there were various enlargements. During the most important period of development monk Girolamo da Potenza reports the presence of twelve nursies supervised by qualified doctors. By accessing the State Archives in Padua, we discover numerous inventaries about the apothecary of S. Giustina, that are source of important information. The Pharmacy was provided of a big library, with numerous pharmacopoeias of the time; two volumes of Andrea Mattioli, the roman Antidotary, the Pharmaceutical and Chemical Dictionary of Capello, a book attributed to Melichio. Plenty of tools are mentioned in these books for the purpose of shredding, distillation, extraction and also containers used for the preparation and storage of hundreds of mineral compounds and derivatives.The most famous remedy from the production of the drysaltery was “L’Oglio di Santa Giustina”.The number of its ingredients varied from 62 to 79, to those other 54-57 were added, because of the presence od the theriac. The formula is reported by the pharmacopoeias of Capello and De Sgobbis. Because of its prestige the oil of Santa Giustina was also produced in local pharmacies, this was the cause of many conflicts.
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