Alexia Sofia Papazafeiropoulou (Author)
The massive production and consumption of automobiles have made Car Culture a universal culture. At the same time, the growing number of female drivers has connected automobility with what appears to be women’s emancipation in the public discourse. However, this article argues that Car Culture has masculine connotations, even in a period when the automobiles’ use by women drivers was taken for granted. In doing so, it examines the representations of women in Greek motoring magazines from the 1950s to the 1970s. The analysis of these magazines contributes to the understanding of how gender roles were reconstructed in relation to the automobiles’ use within the context of postwar consumption culture.
Katherine J. Parkin;
Women at the Wheel: A Century of Buying, Driving, and Fixing Cars
Jutta Weber;
Kröger, Fabian;
(March 2018)
Introduction: Autonomous Driving and the Transformation of Car Cultures
Hildebrand, Julia M.;
Mimi Sheller;
Media Ecologies of Autonomous Automobility Gendered and Racial Dimensions of Future Concept Cars
Dag Balkmar;
Ulf Mellström;
(March 2018)
Masculinity and Autonomous Vehicles. A Degendered or Resegregated Future System of Automobility?
Chris Lezotte;
(December 2019)
Born to drive: Elderly women’s recollections of early automotive experiences
Oldenziel, Ruth;
Veenis, Milena;
The Glass Recycling Container in the Netherlands: Symbol in Times of Scarcity and Abundance, 1939--1978
Carla Assmann;
The emergence of the car-oriented city: Entanglements and transfer agents in West-Berlin, East-Berlin and Lyon, 1945–75
Robert Braun;
Richard Randell;
(March 2021)
Getting Behind the Object We Love the Most: Cars: Accelerating the Modern World Victoria and Albert Museum (Museum Review)
Simon Gunn;
Susan C. Townsend;
Christopher Gerteis;
Automobility and the City in Twentieth-Century Britain and Japan
Christoph Bernhardt;
(December 2020)
Urban automobility in Cold War Berlin: a transnational perspective
Harald Engler;
(December 2020)
Social movement and the failure of car-friendly city projects: East and West Berlin (1970s and 1980s)
Maria Luísa Sousa;
A Mobilidade Automóvel em Portugal, 1920-1950
Robert Buerglener;
Creating the American automobile driver, 1898–1918
Susan Handy;
Shifting Gears: Toward a New Way of Thinking about Transportation
Robert Braun;
Richard Randell;
Post-automobility Futures: Technology, Power, and Imaginaries
Papanelopoulou, Faidra;
“Fresher Than Fresh”. Remarks on Consumer Attitudes towards the Development of the Cold Chain in Post-WWII Greece
Alana Staiti;
Real Women, Normal Curves, and the Making of the American Fashion Mannequin, 1932–1946
Paul R. Deslandes;
The Culture of Male Beauty in Britain: From the First Photographs to David Beckham
Berger, Michael L.;
Women drivers!: The emergence of folklore and stereotypic opinions concerning feminine automotive behavior
Clarsen, Georgine;
Eat My Dust: Early Women Motorists
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