Hardesty, Rebecca A. (Author)
Recently there has been a practice turn in the philosophy of science that has called for analyses to be grounded in the actual doings of everyday science. This paper is in furtherance of this call and it does so by employing participant-observation ethnographic methods as a tool for discovering epistemological features of scientific practice in a neuroscience lab. The case I present focuses on a group of neurobiologists researching the genetic underpinnings of cognition in Down syndrome (DS) and how they have developed a new mouse model which they argue should be regarded as the “gold standard” for all DS mouse research. Through use of ethnographic methods, interviews, and analyses of publications, I uncover how the lab constructed their new mouse model. Additionally, I describe how model organisms can serve as abstract standards for scientific work that impact the epistemic value of scientific claims, regulate practice, and constrain future work.
Simon Lohse;
Scientific inertia in animal-based research in biomedicine
Gail Davies;
Locating the ‘culture wars’ in laboratory animal research: National constitutions and global competition
Hannah Landecker;
It is what it eats: Chemically defined media and the history of surrounds
Brad Bolman;
Dogs for Life: Beagles, Drugs, and Capital in the Twentieth Century
Brad Bolman;
Introduction: What Right? Which Organisms? Why Jobs?
Juan Manuel Garrido Wainer;
Juan Felipe Espinosa;
Natalia Hirmas;
Nicolás Trujillo;
Free-viewing as experimental system to test the Temporal Correlation Hypothesis: A case of theory-generative experimental practice
Michael R. Dietrich;
Rachel A. Ankeny;
Nathan Crowe;
Sara Green;
Sabina Leonelli;
How to choose your research organism
Tarquin Holmes;
The wild type as concept and in experimental practice: A history of its role in classical genetics and evolutionary theory
Stephanie Elizabeth Mohr;
First in Fly: Drosophila Research and Biological Discovery
Karen A. Rader;
Reflections on Making Mice (2004)
Hout, Sanne van der;
Bridging the Lab-field Divide? The “eco” in Ecological Genomics
Giovanni Raimo;
Psicoanalisi e filosofia della scienza. Teoreticità dell’osservazione e riduzionismo neurobiologico
Brad Bolman;
Pig Mentations: Race and Face in Radiobiology
Per-Anders Svärd;
Helena Tinnerholm Ljungberg;
Fetal and animal research in Sweden: The construction of viable lives in regulatory policy debates, 1970–1980
Mody, Cyrus C. M.;
Lynch, Michael;
Test Objects and Other Epistemic Things: A History of a Nanoscale Object
Nederbragt, Hubertus;
Protocol, Pattern and Paper: Interactive Stabilization of Immunohistochemical Knowledge
Angela N. H. Creager;
Model Organisms Unbound
Robert Kohler;
Lords of the Fly Revisited
Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg;
The Art of Exploring the Unknown: Views on Contemporary Research in the Life Sciences
Fagan, Melinda Bonnie;
Philosophy of Stem Cell Biology: Knowledge in Flesh and Blood
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