Jessica Gall Myrick (Author)
Ahern, Lee (Author)
Ruosi Shao (Author)
Jeff Conlin (Author)
Autonomous vehicles represent an emerging technology with the potential to radically transform everyday life. Yet there is little understanding of how promotional tactics—easy-to-grasp technology labels or pairing the technology with well-known celebrities—influence public perceptions of risk, benefits, and intentions. Therefore, we experimentally tested (N = 721) the effects of technology name and celebrity presence on emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to promotional messages. Moreover, we examined how individual differences and attention to news about autonomous vehicles can moderate responses. Results of this exploratory study revealed the importance of affective and cognitive mediators and audience-related moderators in shaping responses.
Elizabeth L. Cohen;
Stars—They’re Sick Like Us! The Effects of a Celebrity Exemplar on COVID-19-Related Risk Cognitions, Emotions, and Preventative Behavioral Intentions
Toby Bolsen;
Risa Palm;
Justin T. Kingsland;
Framing the Origins of COVID-19
David L. Brinker;
Yanmengqian Zhou;
Michelle L. Acevedo Callejas;
Erina L. MacGeorge;
Increasing Information Seeking About Antibiotic Risks: Testing a Clinical Intervention Message Using the Risk Information Seeking and Processing Model
Sara K. Yeo;
Leona Yi-Fan Su;
Michael A. Cacciatore;
Meaghan McKasy;
Sijia Qian;
Predicting Intentions to Engage With Scientific Messages on Twitter: The Roles of Mirth and Need for Humor
Samer Angelone;
A New Generation of Scientists-as-Filmmakers: Experiences Gained in Switzerland
Ciarra N. Smith;
Holli H. Seitz;
Correcting Misinformation About Neuroscience via Social Media
Inez Z. Ponce de Leon;
Pamela A. Custodio;
Clarissa David;
Depicting Science in a Public Debate: The Philippine Legal Challenge Against GMO Eggplant
Haoran Chu;
Janet Z. Yang;
Emotion and the Psychological Distance of Climate Change
Hye Kyung Kim;
Jisoo Ahn;
Lucy Atkinson;
Lee Ann Kahlor;
Effects of COVID-19 Misinformation on Information Seeking, Avoidance, and Processing: A Multicountry Comparative Study
Nicole M. Lee;
Alan Abitbol;
Matthew S. VanDyke;
Science Communication Meets Consumer Relations: An Analysis of Twitter Use by 23andMe
Tássia Galvão;
Cinthia Maria Felicio;
Júlio César Ferreira;
Matias Noll;
Scientific Journalism as an Educational Practice: An Experience Report of the Collective Construction of a “Science Clothesline”
Sandra L. Cooke;
Sojung C. Kim;
Exploring the “Evil Twin of Global Warming”: Public Understanding of Ocean Acidification in the United States
Olga A. Pilkington;
Definitions of Scientific Terminology in Popular Science Books: An Examination of Definitional Chains
Katharine J. Head;
Monica L. Kasting;
Lynne A. Sturm;
Jane A. Hartsock;
Gregory D. Zimet;
A National Survey Assessing SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Intentions: Implications for Future Public Health Communication Efforts
Hang Lu;
Katherine McComas;
Heidi Kretser;
T. Bruce Lauber;
Scared Yet Compassionate? Exploring the Order Effects of Threat Versus Suffering Messages on Attitude Toward Scary Victims
Ivanka Pjesivac;
Marlit A. Hayslett;
Matthew T. Binford;
To Eat or Not to Eat: Framing of GMOs in American Media and Its Effects on Attitudes and Behaviors
Toby Bolsen;
Risa Palm;
Justin T. Kingsland;
Counteracting Climate Science Politicization With Effective Frames and Imagery
Neil Stenhouse;
Richard Heinrich;
Breaking Negative Stereotypes of Climate Activists: A Conjoint Experiment
Lea Taragin-Zeller;
Yael Rozenblum;
Ayelet Baram-Tsabari;
Public Engagement With Science Among Religious Minorities: Lessons From COVID-19
Yan Huang;
Chun Yang;
A Metacognitive Approach to Reconsidering Risk Perceptions and Uncertainty: Understand Information Seeking During COVID-19
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