Mameni, Salar (Author)
In Terracene Salar Mameni historicizes the popularization of the scientific notion of the Anthropocene alongside the emergence of the global war on terror. Mameni theorizes the Terracene as an epoch marked by a convergence of racialized militarism and environmental destruction. Both the Anthropocene and the war on terror centered the antagonist figures of the Anthropos and the terrorist as responsible for epochal changes in the new geological and geopolitical world orders. In response, Mameni shows how the Terracene requires radically new engagements with terra (the earth), whose intelligence resides in matters such as oil and phenomena like earthquakes and fires. Drawing on the work of artists whose practices interrogate histories of settler-colonial and imperial interests in land and resources in Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Kuwait, Syria, Palestine, and other regions most affected by the war on terror, Mameni offers speculative paths into the aesthetics of the Terracene.
Lisa E. Bloom;
Climate Change and the New Polar Aesthetics: Artists Reimagine the Arctic and Antarctic
Ferng, Jennifer Hsiao-Mei;
Nature's Objects: Geology, Aesthetics, and the Understanding of Materiality in Eighteenth-Century Britain and France
Omar Olivares Sandoval;
Colima volcano’s archive of observations: The invention of a geological history from Johann Mortiz Rugendas to Paul Waitz
Forsberg, Carl;
Iraq, the United States, and the long shadow of the Cold War
Daniel Foliard;
Dislocating the Orient: British Maps and the Making of the Middle East, 1854-1921
Citino, Nathan J.;
The Middle East and the Cold War
Steve Matthewman;
(December 2017)
Mobile Disasters Catastrophes in the Age of Manufactured Uncertainty
Peter Sutoris;
Educating for the Anthropocene: Schooling and Activism in the Face of Slow Violence
Justin D. Edwards;
Rune Graulund;
Johan Anders Höglund;
Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth: The Gothic Anthropocene
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing;
Nils Bubandt;
Elaine Gan;
Heather Anne Swanson;
Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene
Clive Hamilton;
François Gemenne;
Christophe Bonneuil;
The Anthropocene and the Global Environmental Crisis: Rethinking Modernity in a New Epoch
Jenny Newell;
Cameron Muir;
Kristen Wehner;
Living with the Anthropocene: Love, Loss and Hope in the Face of Environmental Crisis
Andrea Fantini;
Un autunno caldo: Crisi ecologica, emergenza climatica e altre catastrofi innaturali
Taussig, Michael;
Zoology, Magic, and Surrealism in the War on Terror
Bruno Latour;
Peter Weibel;
Critical Zones: The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth
Cristina Baldacci;
Acque and Mud: Stratification as a Metaphor of Time (Maria Morganti)
Rita Natálio;
The Anthropocene or the Perennial Mining of Otherness—Inquiry on Artistic and Ethnographical Practice for Climate Emergency
Abelardo Gil-Fournier;
Jussi Parikka;
Living Surfaces: Images, Plants, and Environments of Media
Shaul Bassi;
Pianeta Ofelia. Fare Shakespeare nell'Antropocene
W. John Kress;
Jeffrey K. Stine;
Living in the Anthropocene: Earth in the Age of Humans
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