Article ID: CBB472756702

Discovering our Sun: From the most important god to a mere dwarf star (2024)


Abstract This is a graphic description of the Sun as a source of fascination and awe since the very early civilisations with its importance for life and the horror of seeing it disappearing in the middle of the day and how ancient generations followed its movements throughout the year, building clever monuments to mark its rising and setting position on the horizon. The principles of astrology are dealt with and the amazing intuition of ancient Greek philosophers who suggested that the Sun could be a nearby star is admired. The journey ends by placing the Sun amongst the stars in a wonderful confluence of myth, art and science.

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Authors & Contributors
Granada, Miguel A.
Ben-Dov, Jonathan
Brown, David
Draxler, Sonja
Graney, Christopher M.
Horowitz, Wayne
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
Journal for the History of Astronomy
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Indian Journal of History of Science
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
Princeton University Press
Hempen Verlag
Stars; stellar astronomy
Bruno, Giordano
Cassini, Jacques
Kepler, Johannes
Riccioli, Giovanni Battista
Röslin, Helisaeus
Peurbach, Georg von
Time Periods
15th century
16th century
17th century
20th century
18th century
Babylon (extinct city)
Middle and Near East
Lowell Observatory

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