Jaton, Florian (Author)
Vinck, Dominique (Author)
In this paper, we build upon Bruno Latour's political writings to address the current impasse regarding algorithms in public life. We assert that the increasing difficulties at governing algorithms—be they qualified as "machine learning," "big data," or "artificial intelligence"—can be related to their current ontological thinness: deriving from constricted views on theoretical practices, algorithms' standard definition as problem-solving computerized methods provides poor grips for affective dissensions. We then emphasize on the role historical and ethnographic studies of algorithms can potentially play in the politicization of algorithms. By both digging into the genealogy of algorithms' constricted definition and by making their contemporary constitutive relationships more visible, both historical and ethnographic studies can contribute to vascularizing algorithms and making them objects of enlarged disputes. We conclude by giving a flavor of the political potential of the vascularization efforts we call for, using materials from an ethnographic study conducted in a computer science laboratory.
Ksenia Tatarchenko;
Thinking Algorithmically: From Cold War Computer Science to the Socialist Information Culture
Niels van Dijk;
Constitutional Ecology of Practices: Bringing Law, Robots and Epigrams into Latourian Cosmopolitics
Nassim JafariNaimi;
(March 2018)
Our Bodies in the Trolley’s Path, or Why Self-driving Cars Must *Not* Be Programmed to Kill
Daniel Neyland;
(January 2016)
Bearing Account-able Witness to the Ethical Algorithmic System
Kate Crawford;
(January 2016)
Can an Algorithm be Agonistic? Ten Scenes from Life in Calculated Publics
Malte Ziewitz;
(January 2016)
Governing Algorithms: Myth, Mess, and Methods
Tal Zarsky;
(January 2016)
The Trouble with Algorithmic Decisions: An Analytic Road Map to Examine Efficiency and Fairness in Automated and Opaque Decision Making
Venla Oikkonen;
(October 2017)
Affect, technoscience and textual analysis: Interrogating the affective dynamics of the Zika epidemic through media texts
Julia Swallow;
Alexandra Hillman;
(April 2019)
Fear and anxiety: Affects, emotions and care practices in the memory clinic
María Fernanda Olarte-Sierra;
Of flesh and bone: Emotional and affective ethnography of forensic anthropology practices amidst an armed conflict
Mareike Smolka;
Erik Fisher;
Alexandra Hausstein;
(September 2021)
From Affect to Action: Choices in Attending to Disconcertment in Interdisciplinary Collaborations
B. Jack Copeland;
Carl J. Posy;
Oron Shagrir;
Computability: Turing, Gödel, Church, and Beyond
Gilles Dowek;
Computation, Proof, Machine: Mathematics Enters a New Age
Florian Jaton;
The Constitution of Algorithms: Ground-Truthing, Programming, Formulating
Salem Elzway;
Armed Algorithms: Hacking the Real World in Cold War America
Steven S. Skiena;
Charles B. Ward;
Who's Bigger? Where Computer Scientists Really Rank
Donner, Martin;
Rekursion und Wissen. Zur Emergenz technosozialer Netze
Rod Adams;
An Early History of Recursive Functions and Computability from Godel to Turing
Florian Jaton;
(December 2017)
We get the algorithms of our ground truths: Designing referential databases in digital image processing
Ksenia Tatarchenko;
Algorithm’s Cradle: Commemorating al-Khwarizmi in the Soviet History of Mathematics and Cold War Computer Science
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