Favino, Federica (Author)
As a protegée of Christina of Sweden, in the last years spent in Rome (1673-1679), Borelli happened to liven up the meetings of the former queen Royal Academy at Riario Palace by delivering speeches that his friend Michelangelo Ricci did not hesitate to call worthless ‘distractions.’ Scholarship, that mostly ignores these discourses, seems to agree with him. This paper will focus particularly on Borelli’s academic discourse on the ancient triremes – which he gave at Palazzo Riario on February the 5th, 1675 – an episode of a broader debate that then involved the most authoritative Roman antiquarians. In the light of the cultural scenario of late 17th century Rome and of Borelli’s biography, the discourse turns out to be nothing but a distraction: it propounds a clear epistemological stance even to antiquarians while suggesting a real contribution to the Messina Revolt against the Spanish rule, then still underway.
Alessandro Ottaviani;
Storia naturale e antiquaria a Roma fra Sei e Settecento: il De incombustibili lino sive lapide amianto di Ciampini
Renée Raphael;
Reading Experiment in 17th-Century Pisa: between University and Academy
Breimer, Lars;
Sourander, Patrick;
Alphonso Borelli and Christina: The father of kinesiology and the Queen of Sweden
Cristina di Svezia: Scienza ed alchimia nella Roma barocca
Clericuzio, Antonio;
Conforti, Maria;
Christina's patronage of Italian science: A study of her academies and of the dedicatory epistles to the Queen
Maurizio Campanelli;
Pietro Petteruti Pellegrino;
Emilio Russo;
Le accademie a Roma nel Seicento
Marco Guardo;
Federico Cesi antiaccademico. Lincei e Umoristi a confronto
Essay Review
Paula Findlen;
Academies, Networks, and Projects: The Accademia del Cimento and Its Legacy
Emilio Russo;
Appunti preliminari per le accademie romane del Seicento
Elisabetta Appetecchi;
«Tutta Roma sta in arme contro i Mattematici e i Fisicomattematici». Atomismo e prudenza accademica nella Roma di fine Seicento
Nuno Castel-Branco;
Who Was Borelli Responding to? Nicolaus Steno in De motu animalium (Rome, 1680-1681)
Simon Dumans Primbault;
A Posthumous Rivalry: on Borelli and Viviani's Relationship between the Accademia del Cimento and an Eighteenth-Century Controversy
Vincenzo De Risi;
Euclid Upturned: Borelli on the Foundations of Geometry
Giulia Giannini;
Giovanni Alfonso Borelli and the Books of Others: a Contribution to the Reconstruction of Borelli's Library
Giuseppe Bruno-Chomin;
“… Che i matti dicano spropositi”: A Discussion of Cometary Theory and Superstition in Seventeenth Century Italy
Emanuele Zinato;
Il vero in maschera: dialogismi galileiani. Idee e forme nelle prose scientifiche del Seicento
Boschiero, Luciano;
Giovanni Borelli and the Comets of 1664--65
Montacutelli, Stefania;
Air “Particulae” and Mechanical Motions: From the Experiments of the Cimento Academy to Borelli's Hypotheses on the Nature of Air
Guerrini, Luigi;
Due lettere inedite di Tommaso Frosini a Francesco Redi sul De motu animalium di Giovanni Alfonso Borelli
Bertoloni Meli, Domenico;
Marcello Malpighi: Anatomist and physician
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