In the development of artificial intelligence (AI), games have always played an important role. The question is: Why? What does the game provide that was and is so essential to AI development? To explore this question from a philosophical perspective, the development of AI is analyzed from the modern program of operationalizing the mind to the algorithmic substitution of human rationality. According to the thesis, one substitution in particular initiates a paradigm shift that opens the access point for games. In der Entwicklung der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) haben Spiele immer wieder eine wichtige Rolle gespielt. Die Frage ist: Warum? Was liefert das Spiel, was so essentiell für die KI-Entwicklung war und ist? Um dieser Frage aus philosophischer Perspektive nachzugehen, wird die Entwicklung der KI aus dem neuzeitlichen Programm der Operationalisierung des Geistes heraus auf die maschinenrationalen Ersetzungsverhältnisse menschlicher Rationalität hin analysiert. Dabei leitet insbesondere ein Ersetzungsverhältnis, so die These, einen Paradigmenwechsel ein, der das Einfallstor für Spiele öffnet.
Mehdi, Quasim;
Estraillier, Pascal;
Eboueya, Michel;
Proceedings of CGAMES'2007: 11th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational and Serious Games 21 -23 November 2007
Will Slocombe;
Playing Games with Technology: Fictions of Science in the Civilization Series
Simone Kriglstein;
Die Zukunft des digitalen Spiels: Trends der Spieleforschung in Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. (The Future of Digital Gaming: Trends in Human-Computer Interaction Game Research.)
Jacqueline Burgess;
Christian M. Jones;
“Is It Too Much to Ask That We’re Allowed to Win the Game?”: Character Attachment and Agency in the Mass Effect 3 Ending Controversy
Crogan, Patrick;
Gameplay Mode: War, Simulation, and Technoculture
Lu Zhouxiang;
A History of Competitive Gaming
Arsenault, Dominic;
Super Power, Spoony Bards, and Silverware: The Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Melanie Swalwell;
Homebrew gaming and the beginnings of vernacular digitality
Colin Milburn;
Respawn: Gamers, hackers, and technogenic life
Henry Lowood;
Raiford Guins;
Debugging Game History: A Critical Lexicon
Henry Lowood;
Raiford Guins;
Replayed: Essential Writings on Software Preservation and Game Histories
Consalvo, Mia;
Atari to Zelda: Japan's Videogames in Global Contexts
Ben Kenwright;
(December 2018)
Virtual Reality: Ethical Challenges and Dangers
Ludovico Rella;
Close to the metal: Towards a material political economy of the epistemology of computation
Dinah Pfau;
Helen Piel;
Vernetzte Künstliche Intelligenz: Frühe bundesdeutsche KI-Forschung von den 1960er bis Ende der 1980er Jahre (Networked Artificial Intelligence: Early German AI research from the 1960s to the end of the 1980s)
Maike Janssen;
Eckhard Geitz;
KI-Gesundheitssystem-Netzwerke: Für eine strategische Neubestimmung des Informed Consent (AI health system networks: For a strategic redefinition of informed consent)
Buse, Peter;
Nintendo and Telos: Will you ever reach the end?
Casey O'Donnell;
Developer's Dilemma: The Secret World of Videogame Creators
Raiford Guins;
Atari design: Impressions on coin-operated video game machines
Grimshaw, M.;
Sound and immersion in the first-person shooter
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