Article ID: CBB445322525

Il tarantismo e i paralleli etnologici: note su La Terra del rimorso e la ricerca sulla possessione rituale oggi (2023)


In this contribution, I present some considerations on the historical and ethnographic parallels with tarantism proposed by De Martino in the “Historical Commentary” of the Land of Remorse. Firstly, by researching the sources of these parallels, I show how De Martino shared several ideas on ritual possession with contemporary French ethnologists such as Michel Leiris and Alfred Mètreaux but elaborated them differently concerning the fundamental question of overcoming the crisis of presence. Secondly, I present some considerations on the possible development of those parallels in the contemporary world, formulating some hypotheses on the status and dynamics of possession cults.

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Authors & Contributors
Adgemis, Philip
Bradley, John K.
Bruckner, Sierra A.
Carpenter, Carol
Croft, Julian
Dove, Michael F.
Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Geographia antiqua
Historical Journal
History and Anthropology
Journal of Pacific History
Berghahn Books
Blackwell Publishers
Duke University Press
Editrice Bibliografica
Cultural anthropology
Science and politics
De Martino, Ernesto
Fleck, Ludwik
Kharuzin, Nikolai
Latham, R. G. (Robert Gordon)
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Roth, George Kingsley
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
20th century, early
Great Britain
Crystal Palace

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