Book ID: CBB440914700

Faster, smarter, greener: the future of the car and urban mobility (2018)


V. Sumantran (Author)
Fine, Charles H. (Author)
David J A Gonsalvez (Author)

The MIT Press

Publication Date: 2018
Physical Details: 326
Language: English

The twentieth century was the century of the automobile; the twenty-first will see mobility dramatically re-envisioned. Automobiles altered cityscapes, boosted economies, and made personal mobility efficient and convenient for many. We had a century-long love affair with the car. But today, people are more attached to their smartphones than their cars. Cars are not always the quickest mode of travel in cities; and emissions from the rapidly growing number of cars threaten the planet. This book, by three experts from industry and academia, envisions a new world of mobility that is connected, heterogeneous, intelligent, and personalized (the CHIP architecture). (Publisher)

Reviewed By

Review Daniel Newman (March 2019) Review of "Faster, smarter, greener: the future of the car and urban mobility". Transfers (pp. 121-123). unapi

Citation URI

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Authors & Contributors
Flonneau, Mathieu
Norton, Peter D.
Hommels, Anique
Mellström, Ulf
Stoffers, Manuel
Lugo, Adonia E.,
Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie
Technology and Culture
The Journal of Transport History
The MIT Press
Arcade Publishing
Island Press
MIT Press
Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group
urban transportation
Land transportation
Public policy
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
19th century
20th century, early
Paris (France)
California (U.S.)
United States

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