Book ID: CBB440214325

The Art of Discovery: Digging into the Past in Renaissance Europe (2022)


Maren Elisabeth Schwab (Author)
Grafton, Anthony T. (Author)

Princeton University Press

Publication Date: 2022
Physical Details: 328
Language: English

In the early fifteenth century, a casket containing the remains of the Roman historian Livy was unearthed at a Benedictine abbey in Padua. The find was greeted with the same enthusiasm as the bones of a Christian saint, and established a pattern that antiquarians would follow for centuries to come. The Art of Discovery tells the stories of the Renaissance antiquarians who turned material remains of the ancient world into sources for scholars and artists, inspirations for palaces and churches, and objects of pilgrimage and devotion.Maren Elisabeth Schwab and Anthony Grafton bring to life some of the most spectacular finds of the age, such as Nero’s Golden House and the wooden placard that was supposedly nailed to the True Cross. They take readers into basements, caves, and cisterns, explaining how digs were undertaken and shedding light on the methods antiquarians—and the alchemists and craftspeople they consulted—used to interpret them. What emerges is not an origin story for modern archaeology or art history but rather an account of how early modern artisanal skills and technical expertise were used to create new knowledge about the past and inspire new forms of art, scholarship, and devotion in the present.The Art of Discovery challenges the notion that Renaissance antiquarianism was strictly a secular enterprise, revealing how the rediscovery of Christian relics and the bones of martyrs helped give rise to highly interdisciplinary ways of examining and authenticating objects of all kinds.

Reviewed By

Review Pamela O. Long (2023) Review of "The Art of Discovery: Digging into the Past in Renaissance Europe". The Journal of Interdisciplinary History (pp. 272-274). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Ezio Zanini
Smith, Pamela H.
Bailey, Michael R.
Bilak, Donna
Echlin, Alexander
Ferng, Jennifer Hsiao-Mei
Technology and Culture
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
Journal of Global History
Journal of the History of Collections
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
Past and Present
University of Pennsylvania
History Press
Oxford University Press
Voltaire Foundation
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Crafts and craftspeople
Material culture
Woodwork and woodworking
Leonardo da Vinci
Palissy, Bernard
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Time Periods
16th century
19th century
18th century
Early modern
United States
Great Britain

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