Book ID: CBB430797716

Tea Environments and Plantation Culture: Imperial Disarray in Eastern India (2019)


Dey, Arnab (Author)

Cambridge University Press

Publication Date: 2019
Physical Details: 250
Language: English

Arnab Dey examines the intersecting role of law, ecology, and agronomy in shaping the history of tea and its plantations in British east India. He suggests that looking afresh at the legal, environmental, and agroeconomic aspects of tea production illuminates covert, expedient, and often illegal administrative and commercial dealings that had an immediate and long-term human and environmental impact on the region. Critiquing this imperial commodity's advertised mandate of agrarian modernization in colonial India, Dey points to numerous tea pests, disease ecologies, felled forests, harsh working conditions, wage manipulation, and political resistance as examples of tea's unseemly legacy in the subcontinent. Dey draws together the plant and the plantation in highlighting the ironies of the tea economy and its consequences for the agrarian history of eastern India.

Reviewed By

Review Sarah Besky (2022) Review of "Tea Environments and Plantation Culture: Imperial Disarray in Eastern India". Agricultural History (pp. 627-628). unapi

Review Abhilash Medhi (October 2019) Review of "Tea Environments and Plantation Culture: Imperial Disarray in Eastern India". Environmental History (pp. 821-823). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Sharma, Jayeeta
Besky, Sarah
Aso, Michitake
Chakrabarty, Dipesh
Taussig, Michael
Tully, John A.
Environment and History
Environmental History
History of Science
Journal of Global History
Journal of World History
Science as Culture
Palgrave Macmillan
University of Chicago
Cambridge University Press
Duke University Press
Franz Steiner Verlag
Texas A&M University Press
Labor and laborers
Great Britain, colonies
Tea and tea industry
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century, early
20th century
17th century
20th century, late
Southeast Asia
Atlantic world
Great Britain
British East India Company
Dutch East India Company
Madras Observatory

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