Article ID: CBB429865745

Planetary Health Histories: Toward New Ecologies of Epidemiology? (2022)


This essay charts a conceptual history of “planetary health,” which holds that population health and the continuity of human civilization depend on the integrity—the health—of the Earth’s life-support systems. It seeks to identify settler colonial and imperial genealogies of this distinctly ecological approach to human population health and flourishing, an assemblage of systems theory and planetary thinking as well as developments in environmental sciences and theories of sustainable development. Planetary health may be seen as a “third wave” of disease ecology, an emergent resource for more complex, naturalistic, and scaled-up modeling in epidemiology—the latest installment in the search for multifactorial, relational, and integrated explanations of patterns of disease. The approach required a new planetary imaginary—emerging from a series of Earth-encompassing crises, such as global heating—which enlarged and systematized ecological configurations of human health and illness. In tracing and critically situating this conceptual history, the authors offer a partial perspective on what may yet become planetary health, drawing attention to some other conceptual routes that may be taken.

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Authors & Contributors
Anderson, Warwick H.
Honigsbaum, Mark
Conis, Elena
Dehner, George
Fisher, Colin
Hanson, Marta E.
Environmental History
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Journal of the History of Biology
Environment and History
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Science in Context
Cornell University Press
MIT Press
Palgrave Macmillan
Polity Press
UCL Press
Disease ecology
Disease and diseases
Nature and its relationship to culture; human-nature relationships
Climate and civilization
Burnet, Frank Macfarlane
Smith, Theobald
Delany, Martin
Dubos, René Jules
Fenner, Frank
Harant, Hervé
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, late
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
Qing dynasty (China, 1644-1912)
United States
Great Britain
California (U.S.)
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
ZKM Center for Art and Media

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