Article ID: CBB429286490

The road corvée: The persistence of the use of unpaid labour for road maintenance in nineteenth and twentieth century Estonia (June 2024)


This paper examines the road corvée, a practice of using unpaid labour for road maintenance, in the nineteenth and twentieth century. I focus on the case of Estonia, where the road corvée, originating in the feudal economic system, persisted surprisingly long, being abolished only in 1959. Earlier studies on the road corvée have focused mainly on road construction and have therefore failed to recognise the use of the practice beyond absolutist Europe and colonial Africa. Focusing on maintenance reveals that the corvée was also widespread in twentieth-century Europe. I examine how the road corvée was organised and debated to reveal what inhibited and what accelerated its abolition. The study shows how maintenance practices can be deeply embedded in social and economic structures – like the agricultural system in this case – and ultimately be highly inert and resistant to change.

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Authors & Contributors
Tauri Tuvikene
Divall, Colin
Hård, Mikael
Krebs, Stefan
Pooley, Colin G.
Roth, Ralf
The Journal of Transport History
Nineteenth-Century Contexts
Science Communication
Technology and Culture
New York, City University of
Ashgate Publishing
Island Press
The MIT Press
Transcript Verlag
University of Nebraska Press
Roads and highways
Public policy
Land transportation
Urban planning
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
19th century
17th century
18th century
20th century, early
Great Britain
United States
California (U.S.)

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