Article ID: CBB423983702

Prescription, Description, and Hume's Experimental Method (2016)


There seems a potential tension between Hume's naturalistic project and his normative ambitions. Hume adopts what I call a methodological naturalism: that is, the methodology of providing explanations for various phenomena based on natural properties and causes. This methodology takes the form of introducing ‘the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects’, as stated in the subtitle of the Treatise; this ‘experimental method’ seems a paradigmatically descriptive one, and it remains unclear how Hume derives genuinely normative prescriptions from this methodology. In resolving this problem, I will argue that Hume's naturalistic methodology – that is, his ‘experimental philosophy’ (THN Intro 7), or what has come to be known as his experimental method – consists of the systematization of phenomena pertaining to human nature. In applying his experimental method to normative subjects, Hume systematizes our normative judgements, deriving general principles of normative justification; he then reflexively applies these principles to the pre-philosophical judgements from which they derive, dismissing and/or correcting those that do not accord with his systematized account.

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Authors & Contributors
De Pierris, Graciela
Wolfe, Charles T.
Berg, Hein van den
Bullynck, Maarten
Demetera, Tamás
Gal, Ofer
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science
Journal of Nietzsche Studies
Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas
Classiques Garnier
Oxford University Press
Methodology of science; scientific method
Philosophy of science
Experimental method
Reasoning in science
Naturalism (philosophy)
Hume, David
Diderot, Denis
Kant, Immanuel
Locke, John
Newton, Isaac
Bachstrom, Johann Friedrich
Time Periods
18th century
17th century
19th century
20th century
Early modern
21st century

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