Leonie Dendler (Author)
Gaby-Fleur Böl (Author)
While the demands for greater engagement in science in general and regulatory science in particular have been steadily increasing, we still face limited understanding of the empirical resonance of these demands. Against this context, this paper presents findings from a recent study of a potential participatory opening of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (“Bundesinstitut für Riskobewertung” [BfR]), a prominent regulatory scientific organization in the field of risk governance. Drawing upon quantitative surveys of the public and selected professional experts as well as in-depth qualitative expert interviews, we identify a general support for greater engagement in science-based risk assessment. However, we also find significant contestation concerning its potential enactment and its normative and strategic merit. Underlying these contestations, we identify the persistence of a normal view of science and decisionist understanding of risk assessment, which create conflicting legitimacy demands for BfR and other regulatory scientific organizations. Together with concerns about imbalances in the power to participate, especially in highly specialized engagement processes, these pose significant challenges for the institutionalization of more participatory practices.
Frohlich, Xaq;
(Spring 2022)
Making Food Standard: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Food Standards of Identity, 1930s–1960s
Carmen McLeod;
Sarah Hartley;
(July 2018)
Responsibility and Laboratory Animal Research Governance
Kristoffer Whitney;
It’s about Time: Adaptive Resource Management, Environmental Governance, and Science Studies
Cook, Brian R.;
Kesby, Mike;
Fazey, Ioan;
Spray, Chris;
(October 2013)
The persistence of ‘normal’ catchment management despite the participatory turn: Exploring the power effects of competing frames of reference
Colleen Lanier-Christensen;
(September 2021)
Creating Regulatory Harmony: The Participatory Politics of OECD Chemical Testing Standards in the Making
Allain J. Barnett;
Melanie G. Wiber;
What Scientists Say about the Changing Risk Calculation in the Marine Environment under the Harper Government of Canada (2006-2015)
Tatsuya Moima;
Risuku ka sareru shintai—Gendai igaku to touchi no tekunorojī リスク化される身体—現代医学と統治 のテクノロジ [Body as Risk—Modern Medicine and the Technology of Governance]
Schleifer, David;
(February 2013)
Categories count: Trans fat labeling as a technique of corporate governance
Poonam Pandey;
Aviram Sharma;
NGOs, Controversies, and “Opening Up” of Regulatory Governance of Science in India
Emmanuel Henry;
Valentin Thomas;
Sara Angeli Aguiton;
Marc-Olivier Déplaude;
Nathalie Jas;
(September 2021)
Introduction: Beyond the Production of Ignorance: The Pervasiveness of Industry Influence through the Tools of Chemical Regulation
Mattia Andreoletti;
David Teira;
Rules versus Standards: What Are the Costs of Epistemic Norms in Drug Regulation?
Alina Geampana;
Risky Technologies: Systemic Uncertainty in Contraceptive Risk Assessment and Management
Oliver Todt;
José Luis Luján;
Rationality in Context: Regulatory Science and the Best Scientific Method
Becky Mansfield;
Deregulatory science: Chemical risk analysis in Trump’s EPA
Christopher L. Cummings;
Agnes S. F. Chuah;
Shirley S. Ho;
(September 2018)
Protection Motivation and Communication through Nanofood Labels: Improving Predictive Capabilities of Attitudes and Purchase Intentions toward Nanofoods
Zora Kovacic;
(November 2018)
Conceptualizing Numbers at the Science–Policy Interface
Amy Adams Quark;
Outsourcing Regulatory Decision-making: “International” Epistemic Communities, Transnational Firms, and Pesticide Residue Standards in India
Katharina T. Paul;
Samantha Vanderslott;
Matthias Gross;
Institutionalised ignorance in policy and regulation
Ashlyn Jaeger;
(Re)Producing Cyborgs: Biomedicalizing Abortion through the Congressional Debate over Fetal Pain
Samuel Ducourant;
Science or Ignorance of Animal Welfare? A Case Study: Scientific Reports Published in Preparation for the First European Directive on Animal Welfare (1979-1980)
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