Hesse, Jan-Otmar (Author)
Alexander Nützenadel (Author)
Editorial introduction to issue: "Revolving Doors" – Manager in Politics and Politicians in Business
...MoreArticle Friederike Sattler (2023) Kaufleute als Konsuln – Zu den Anfängen deutscher Handelsdiplomatie in Ostasien im 19. Jahrhundert (Merchants as consuls – On the beginnings of German trade diplomacy in East Asia in the 19th century). Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 151-183).
Article Werner Plumpe (2023) Januskopf der deutschen Geldwirtschaft: Karl Helfferich (1872 bis 1924) (Janus face of the German monetary economy: Karl Helfferich (1872 to 1924)). Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 185-204).
Article Philipp Müller (2023) Universalitätsansprüche – Verbandsvertreter in der deutsch-französischen Wirtschaftsdiplomatie der 20er und frühen 30er Jahre (Universality claims – Representatives of business associations in Franco-German economic diplomacy of the 20s and early 30s). Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 205-225).
Article Jan-Otmar Hesse (2023) Vom Röhren-Manager zum Verteidigungs-Staatssekretär und zurück: Der mehrfache Seitenwechsel von Ernst Wolf Mommsen (Revolving Doors: Ernst Wolf Mommsen’s journey from a Tube Manager to Under-Secretary of State for Defence and back). Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 227-254).
Article Christian Marx (2023) Seitenwechsler im Zentralbankwesen – Karrieren im Beziehungsdreieck von Finanzwelt, Wissenschaft und Politik (1948 bis 1970) (The Revolving Door in German Central Banking – Careers in the Triangle of Finance, Science and Politics (1948 to 1970)). Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 255-287).
Article Daniel Kinderman (2023) Donald Trump, anti-establishment populism and the revolving door between business and politics in the United States. Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 289-314).
Rachel M. McCleary;
Robert J. Barro;
The Wealth of Religions: The Political Economy of Believing and Belonging
Seven Ağır;
Cihan Artunç;
(Winter 2021)
Set and Forget? The Evolution of Business Law in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey
Rolv Petter Amdam;
Robert Fredona;
Sophus A. Reinert;
(Summer 2019)
Breaking Even: Political Economy and Private Enterprise in the Norwegian Glass Industry, 1739–1803
Susanna Fellman;
Martin Shanahan;
(Winter 2018)
Sectoral Influence on Competition Legislation: Evidence from the Cartel Registers, 1920–2000
Daniel Kinderman;
Donald Trump, anti-establishment populism and the revolving door between business and politics in the United States
Christian Marx;
Seitenwechsler im Zentralbankwesen – Karrieren im Beziehungsdreieck von Finanzwelt, Wissenschaft und Politik (1948 bis 1970) (The Revolving Door in German Central Banking – Careers in the Triangle of Finance, Science and Politics (1948 to 1970))
William J. Novak;
(Winter 2019)
Institutional Economics and the Progressive Movement for the Social Control of American Business
Jörn Lindner;
Technische Innovation als Schutz vor wirtschaftlichem Niedergang? Die Entwicklung der Rickmers Werft von 1945 bis zum Ende der 1960er Jahre. (Technical innovation as protection against economic decline? The Development of Rickmers Werft from 1945 to the End of the 1960s)
Christian Ebhardt;
Vom holistischen Bauprinzip zur modernen Montageindustrie? Produktionssysteme im Schiffbau und der «Wandel der Arbeit» bei der Bremer Vulkan AG nach 1945. (From holistic construction principle to modern assembly industry? Production Systems in Shipbuilding and the "Transformation of Work" at Bremer Vulkan AG after 1945)
Marie Huber;
State-owned success in the air: Ethiopian Airlines and the multinational Air Afrique in the 1960s and 1970s
José Galindo;
Ethnic Entrepreneurs, Crony Capitalism, and the Making of the Franco-Mexican Elite
Lewis Charles Smith;
Marketing modernity: Business and family in British Rail’s “Age of the Train” campaign, 1979–84
Alusine Jalloh;
Muslim Fula Business Elites and Politics in Sierra Leone
Thomas J. Dorich;
Big Business in America: the corporate century, 1900-2000
Stuart John Barton;
Policy Signals and Market Responses: A 50-year History of Zambia's Relationship with Foreign Capital
Joshua Clark Davis;
From Head Shops to Whole Foods: The Rise and Fall of Activist Entrepreneurs
Anna Spadavecchia;
(Summer 2020)
Building Industrial Districts: Do Subsidies Help? Evidence from Postwar Italy
Sabine Pitteloud;
Les multinationales Suisses dans l'arène politique 1942-1993 [Swiss multinationals in the political arena, 1942–1993]
Alice Milor;
(Winter 2022)
Ownership Matters: French Governments and Automotive Industrialists Facing the Japanese Challenge, 1974–1986
Katherine Rye Jewell;
Dollars for Dixie: Business and the Transformation of Conservatism in the Twentieth Century
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